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Underground Cityscape?


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That's a really cool idea! There can be so many things in the tunnels to be added to. Like, a underground safe house, like you said merchants and dealers. Maybe even black market dealers sorta speak that sells really good weapons and items. Let me think on it.

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This mod would be amazing if someone made it.


Each major city has an underground section full of crime, kind of like the Ratway, but bigger with connecting tunnels and merchants and skooma dealers.


Hello. Thanks for the idea of the mod!!


Some Very Good News...


I'm going to make it, and its going to be pretty big. Going to take at least 3 to 4 months, but it's going to be worth it. When its done, I'll give you extreme credit aswell as some greenbacks if you want it but when its complete.


Thanks Dude,

DJ Trevor Ryan

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Yes and no. I too miss the sewers and almost endless tunnels in Oblivion. It made playing a thief and an assassin that much more fun. But for Skyrim I don't think it should be as expansive. One, because the cities are smaller and it wouldn't really offer that much to have a network of tunnels in each of them, rather make a few stealthy ways to move around a city that can include sewers but also allows one to reach the top of walls and so on. Two, because you don't want to lead water too deep in a place where you have ground frost, that would just be stupid.


What I would like to see though, which might not be fully related to this idea, is the second level of the nordic houses we see in Bruma. Northernmost city of Cyrodiil which had many nordic influences to their architecture, where did it go? Cellars make sense because it allows for greater preservation of heat and shields parts of the house from cold, howling winds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking forward to this DJTrevor!

My solitude already has a pretty expanded sewer.

I don't yet know what mod I have to thank for that.

Maybe Helgen reborn??


I know nothing about creating mods.

Could you release them one city at a time and then when you're done with all of them have one full package?

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Looking forward to this DJTrevor!

My solitude already has a pretty expanded sewer.

I don't yet know what mod I have to thank for that.

Maybe Helgen reborn??


I know nothing about creating mods.

Could you release them one city at a time and then when you're done with all of them have one full package?



Yeah, It would work better that way actually. With a standalone, and then a all-in-one. I'm starting with Whiterun, and then next I'm thinking Markarth or Solitude.

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