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(request/mod help) Randomized npc body weight, simple


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I noticed that random spawn npcs have very little variation in body weight. Having random weights would be really nice, especially if using a body that reacts more to the weight slider, such as CBBE or something. Naturally I went digging around Nexus for a mod that would randomize this, but couldn't find one. Then I got the CK, and had a look. I think I found the cause for carbon copy bandits after a few minutes in CK, see pic attached. Looking at the amount of templates, it would seem that the spawn logic just picks from a pool of pre-generated bandits and that's it... Could use more variety?


Now, I think this would be a pretty simple mod to make for someone who knows where to find the spawing scripts, just roll a number between 1...100 when spawning any npc and set the weight. Of course if anyone wants to make this, great, I don't have to... :laugh: Alternatively, I could try making it myself, if I knew where to look for the spawning logic. Modding Skyrim might be fun and all. Any tips concerning this kind of mod would be appreciated.





It would seem that SKSE has a function SetWeight(float w)... Also for height, might try altering that as well, a little variation between 0.98...1.02 or so. Now to see if I can have that trigger when the actor loads... But only for "random" non-named actors like bandits/guards, wouldn't want the barkeep changing body size every time I walk in.

Edited by 10minuteskyrim
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Thanks, I will try that mod. I stopped playing because all NPC:s are looking exactly the same body type. Variation is the rule in real world, why games have to use same stereotypical body types for man and woman. It sounds great to be able to randomize NPC body types, it is like completely new game every time you start with new character.

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