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Fallout 4 MOTM questions


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There's something going on that I don't quite understand with the current Fallout 4 mods of the month (August 2021). One of the submissions votes/endorsement/download ratio seems a bit off to me. I noticed this last month too (July 2021) with one of the other submissions.


I'm not saying there's anything nefarious of negative going on. I don't know how to word it properly, but somehow it just feels weird and out of place. Hope someone can provide an explanation and satisfy my curiosity.


Then again, maybe It's just me noticing this and there's actually nothing there. If that's the case, apologies in advance :smile:

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You aren't the only one that noticed.

BOTH Endorsements and votes for MOTM have a 15 minute cap

Winner for August - more votes for MOTM than Endorsements - yet the buttons are next to each other - which means they'd need to come back to the mod to make their selection.

Moreover, if some of the users are MO2 users - there is an integrated feature in that mod manager that allows you to endorse said mod without clicking that button. No such feature exists for MOTM.


If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck - it's probably a duck. Something was definitely fishy with the August voting.

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@fraquar - I hope that's not the case. But you are right. At first glance it does look fishy. What about Wabbajack or programs that handle modpacks? Do they have integrated endorsements/vote features?


Also, what's up with the comments section. Usually MOTM winners and candidates have tons of comments on how good the mod is, how it changed the user's life, how it doesn't work, requests etc. etc. The mod you mentioned has less than 10 posts (at the time of this writing). It's not a controversial mod, so there would be no reason for comments to be removed (if that's the case).


Anyways, still crossing my fingers for a legitimate explanation on all these discrepancies. It just sucks to think that it's all somehow curated :sad:

Edited by Parabellum1901
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