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Llewellyn The Nightingale, Female and able to sing The Dragonborn Come


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It's pretty much all in the title. I even tried to figure out how to make this mod myself.. but have exactly no experience modding.


It *seems* like it should be a fairly simple mod to make... but I honestly don't know. I study Biology not computer science :).


So, if anyone with actual modding ability would care to make this mod.. I'd be very grateful. :)


Thanks in advance


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  • 3 weeks later...

Is this a follower mod? Please PM me.

No, OP is refering to the bard that you can get to sing at your home with Hearthfire's DLC.


I like that idea too, having a female bard- cause I like Malukah's Dragonborn cover.

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I looked into it, and I think I may be able to figure it out. It may not be done quickly, but I think I know how to do it.


So I looked into it. I think it will be fairly easy. Is there a particular look you want for the female? She must be a nord. Is there a preset you would like me to use for her? Or maybe another npc that you like the look of?

Edited by MinisterTanner
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