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How to run script once per session, without GameMode?


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Whoa!! This has become absurd. I am now the nasty professional type, for trying to be logical about this? Did I violate some sacred rule of conduct here? Can either of you just sit back and look back over this, and tell me where I became offensive to you? I don't know if I broke some secret rule of conduct you have that I broke with how I worded things?


I don't know how to state facts that contradict what you want to believe without hurting your feelings!!


MKtaviish, what are you on about here? Does this have anything to do with the other thing we are working on?


I will always be someone that can be reasoned with. You just have to try without making vague guesses about my psychological state.


I can assure you that up to #15 I was trying to just state the facts. I was thinking that if I were wrong, you would point how how. Apparently FiftyTifty had already decided I was being rude (or something?). Sorry. How was I supposed to do it?

Edited by GamerRick
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  • 2 weeks later...

Whoa!! How was I supposed to do it?


I guess just like that :wink:


Ya I wanted to recant my drunk droning about how you were dissing me .

But I stand by sticking up for Fifty .


Aint it nice when we can all agree that " I am the supreme being " Muhahahah


But nobody ever duz :confused:

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Whoa!! How was I supposed to do it?


I guess just like that :wink:


Ya I wanted to recant my drunk droning about how you were dissing me .

But I stand by sticking up for Fifty .


Aint it nice when we can all agree that " I am the supreme being " Muhahahah


But nobody ever duz :confused:


It can be fun going at it with these types, but as I've gotten older, I stopped getting as much a kick out of it. Twenty five year old me is old.

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Whoa!! How was I supposed to do it?


I guess just like that :wink:


Ya I wanted to recant my drunk droning about how you were dissing me .

But I stand by sticking up for Fifty .


Aint it nice when we can all agree that " I am the supreme being " Muhahahah


But nobody ever duz :confused:


It can be fun going at it with these types, but as I've gotten older, I stopped getting as much a kick out of it. Twenty five year old me is old.



Wow 25 year ... them was the daze ... as far as I can remember.


Ya you doing fine ... and seem to know what the heck you want out of this forum. A bit brash ,,, but lots of people are ;)


GamerRick is just having a moment as far as I can tell ... a usual occurrence for trying to help and stick nose into the forum Too Mucho .... I been there/here :\

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MKtaviish, what are you on about here? Does this have anything to do with the other thing we are working on?


Uh oh ... Are we working on a mod that I forgot about ?


I wouldn't doubt it ... so am very sorry .

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It can be fun going at it with these types



Sorry one more post to clarify on this point.

If GamerRick has a type ... it is first and foremost to dedicate time helping people on these forums with their modding endeavors .

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Sorry one more post to clarify on this point.

If GamerRick has a type ... it is first and foremost to dedicate time helping people on these forums with their modding endeavors .


Oh they're helpful enough with others. I meant more the sort of folk who take it personally, when you ask questions or for clarification. Something's going on with them at the moment, but when someone does the argument of authority in the middle of a long tirade, the ego sticks its head out.

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Sorry one more post to clarify on this point.

If GamerRick has a type ... it is first and foremost to dedicate time helping people on these forums with their modding endeavors .


Oh they're helpful enough with others. I meant more the sort of folk who take it personally, when you ask questions or for clarification. Something's going on with them at the moment, but when someone does the argument of authority in the middle of a long tirade, the ego sticks its head out.


Well, I got a degree in psych before deciding I was better with computers than people. I am the opposite of you and much more like Mktavish, in that I don't slam the door immediately on anyone that doesn't respond in a way that I expect. You acted like I was stepping on your toes (precious ego) by stepping into this thread and spending my time to actually test this out. Instead of treating me like I was trying to help, you acted like I knocked a chip off of your shoulder. Or, that is how I would interpret your inability to appreciate that someone was actually trying to answer your question.


I actually, found your responses to my posts really rude. You seem to have zero self introspection skills and refuse to see how you have anything to do with how I reacted. Can you at least imagine how I felt when I did all that and you just ignored my posts?


So, we three are 50+ year old men. If you want to explain to me how I offended you I will listen. I am here to help and make friends, and will make every attempt to be considerate and helpful. Obviously, I have limits on how far I can tolerate rude or (in your case) responses that make it seem like you don't even care about anything anyone else says and just posted because you are lonely. Also, I have no problem admitting when I am wrong about something. That is all that happened here. It's OK to admit it! It makes you a better person.


Mktavish. you are a good person! You like beer. I like weed. I was talking about how I interacted with Joshua. That is another matter entirely. PM me if you want to discuss it.


"Argument of authority" - given your lack of any kind of courteous response to me, I started to wonder who/what you think I am. That is normal! You are blind to what ever your ego was doing to you at the time that made it impossible to even show any sign of being appreciative that someone was trying to help! You read a lot more into my responses than was there. From my perspective, you acted like you wanted to be offended by me and nothing like a person who wants to interact with another adult.


It's called EGO-LESS programming. We professional types learn how to talk to discuss technical issues in plain clear language both among ourselves and then with non-techs. That is all I was doing here. Everything else was your imagination.


What I imagine now, is that my responses were not what you wanted to hear, given that you were really proud of your discovery. You can't stand it that I rained on your ego-trip with black and white facts. I get over things like that myself really fast, because I had to learn to do it to survive my job. Can you imagine how good of a coworker one would be if they turned every convo into an ego battle? Can you imagine how things would go if people acted the way you are in this thread when they find out they are wrong about something? I can tell you, because others took me aside and helped me when I was being a jerk, and I listened.


I can't listen tho when you refuse to respond to me directly. So, let's put our (Star Trek like) shields down now and actually act like real men!!!! What ever that is...


EDIT: I would call what you are doing (ignoring me while insulting me in responses to Mktavish) a childish passive-aggressive power play that is usually used by little girls. Of course I take it personally when someone acts the way you are, and then says:


Oh they're helpful enough with others. I meant more the sort of folk who take it personally, when you ask questions or for clarification. Something's going on with them at the moment, but when someone does the argument of authority in the middle of a long tirade, the ego sticks its head out.


When did you ask questions or show any signs of wanting to clarify anything? Your initial post was actually the opposite of the thread's title, and I was not sure what to make of that. You asked about a method to run a script just once on every startup and then posted code that would only run the script once only. You suggested I use Print instead of PrintC????? I should have walked away when you did that.


Note that I am only being defensive here to try and point out to you what I was responding to at the time I made the response. I am not a politician, and am not trying to be a therapist here. I don't know you well enough to know if I have to treat you like a child or an adult. I assumed you are an adult and responded appropriately.


Now, since you seem hell bent to treat me like the enemy, I have no choice but to do the same. I hate that. Oh and BTW, I don't remember ever actually winning an argument like this one. How do I convince someone who has decided to be offended by me that I didn't do anything intentional to offend you????

Edited by GamerRick
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