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Help with Body Mods and Khajiit?


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As I'm sure at least some of you would have run into in the past, I'm encountering an issue with modding in new character models and textures to make the game a little less, well... you know, Oblivon-y.

I've decided to go with Robert's Male and Female body replacements, as they are the ones which appeal to me most, and to use Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 on top of that.

Once all of these have been installed as is instructed (Including OCO's patches for Robert's mods) things seem fine... Until you see a female Khajiit, whose textures are all funky and misaligned.

After further research online it would appear that this is an issue regarding foot-texturing and pathing or something along those lines? Not too sure, but in any case I've no idea how to fix it and your guys' opinions would be most appreciated on sorting the matter!

I would share screenshots of the issue to show just exactly how it looks, but I uninstalled everything out of frustration last night.

I should also mention that this was done in conjunction with all the Unofficial Patches on the Steam GotY edition.

Another thing I'd like to check is, after fixing the issue (Assuming it can be fixed easily enough) are there any mods that can be recommended to deal with neck seems and the like in a configuration like this? Also mods for Beastrace body textures that won't clash with the rest?

Thanks in advance, fellas!

Edit: I have reinstalled the mods and taken a couple of screenshots to showcase the issue.


Here's a link to the Imgur post.

Edited by HarlowLovesGaming
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I do have the same issue and I am using HGEC. I bet it has something to do with a face color fix mod I guess. If anyone can tell us how to solve it, feel free but otherwise, I do not care really as the game works perfect for me otherwise.

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Yes, that certainly looks like the wrong Khajiit skin texture used on the females.

There is a Vanilla Oblivion issue, originating from male and female Khajiit originally using one and the same texture for feet, "textures/characters/Khajiit/male/footmale.dds", and now body replacers using the foot slot for their full-body textures, thus female Khajiit have male body textures.


However, this is usually a problem with only Exnem/HGEC, as those are the only body replacers "not" coming with a plugin required for fixing this.

There are no plugins in the texture compatibility packages of OCOv2, but there's also no Khajiit textures in there to begin with either.


I don't recall how OCOv2's plugin was set up with regards to separating male and female Khajiit textures. I know both Robert's Male and Female plugins do fix it though. But I think you were told not to have them active when using OCO?


Regardless, we're left with following files and paths from Robert's Male and Female setup:


"textures/characters/Khajiit/male/RTfootmale.dds" for the males (So it does not conflict with the file Exnem/HGEC uses for females without a plugin.)

"textures/characters/Khajiit/male/footmale.dds" for the females (Robert's Female apparently keeps it at the Vanilla setting.)

"textures/characters/Khajiit/female/footfemale.dds" containing a female Vanilla foot texture replacement coming from the base OCOv2.


The question now is, if OCOv2 comes with a separated female foot texture replacement, won't its plugin also contain a re-pathing to exactly this file for females? This of course will mess with Robert's Female's way of still using the male texture for female Khajiit.

And I think that's what you're seeing here. OCOv2's plugin makes the game use "textures/characters/Khajiit/female/footfemale.dds" for the females, while the correct skin texture from Robert's Female is "textures/characters/Khajiit/male/footmale.dds" still.


A quick and easy fix would be replacing the female one with the male by copy & renaming it to there. But it also begs the question why OCO's compatibility measures don't already do this.

And of course it's always a question of what "other" race-changing plugins you might also use and how efficiently your bashed patch is configured to keep the correct path in use at the end of your load order.

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Drake I am a bit dizzy at the moment from the Phizer vaccin so maybe I missed something in your reply. Is there a proper link to be found that will aid us in solving it, with a fix or similar? I am not bicycling at the wind nor sailing in the blue at the moment - well I am not in a hurry at all for a fix at the current moment that is.


To get the textures right, then we need to install them after the body, then Blockhead again and after that OCO2 right, even if we have them installed at the current moment? Damn, I know how to do it... But not today at least...

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Hmm, I don't know of a "mod" fixing this particular problem (OCOv2 not providing the proper textures or settings for Robert's Female Khajiit).


But no, you don't need to "re"-do anything.

You already installed the body mods, Robert's Male and Robert's Female, first, as instructed, then the OCOv2 main file, then the OCOv2 texture compatibility add-ons for Robert's Male and Robert's Female, so all files should be the way I posted above.


The only thing left now is fixing the incompatibility between OCOv2 and Robert's Female Khajiit not fixed by the compatibility add-on. Simply copy&paste&rename "textures/characters/Khajiit/male/footmale.dds" + normal map (the female body textures from Robert's Female) over "textures/characters/Khajiit/female/footfemale.dds" + normal map (the Vanilla female foot texture the OCOv2 main file installed and its plugin makes the game use). Then hope for the best. (If there's no other plugin loading later, which again changes paths around, it should've fixed the issue.)


You can even make it a mod, which replaces the "footfemale.dds" and its normal map with the "footmale.dds" ones from Robert's Female, for those inclined to have a manager control everything and never do anything manually.

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Or use Blockhead's PerRace override to use whatever Khajiit texture you want (and even use PerNPC to individualize certain Khajiit females but not others).


I won't be home for a couple more weeks but may be able to answer some questions on how off the top of my head (particularly further explaining some of the instructions from the Blockhead readme).

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Thanks Striker and Drake for your inputs. I will really start to load the Khajiit and also Argonians in to Nifkope and see if I can see that specific problem there and also try to choose the proper texture if it is now pointing Elswear, that is. Well at least else where. I will report back if I find anything odd within this area. I might do it tomorrow as I will go to bed immediately now. :ninja: *Pekka leaves the kitchen - stumbles away toward the bed room, but curses those wrong cats and lizards before he goes* :geek:


This light issue is something I see a second mostly and it is when I cast my home made loot spell, followed by the Midas spell that colors them golden and throw around the septims like a bloody fountain and theses specific body meshes gets disabled. :smile: So the solution for it is not vital for me. :wink: After Midas gets activated, I do not see this problem for a couple of seconds or more.

Edited by Pellape
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One thing though, you won't see it in NifSkope at all. NifSkope does not use the correct textures based on race. As there is no Khajiit body meshes (apart from the tail) but only all-races body meshes, in NifSkope you'll always only see Imperial skin.

You need to go into the CS to see it. And then you're sadly not looking at the current in-game setup of racial texture paths either, I'm afraid. The only way to really check this out, is by going into the game. Well, this or reproduce your "entire" load order in the CS, which will make it break no doubt.


And yes, you can of course also use Blockhead to fix this issue. The steps will be exactly the same as I already instructed, just with a different target filename and path.

I for one though don't think there's much sense in having a Vanilla foot texture lying around in your folders still, when you're no longer using Vanilla bodies anyways but Robert's M & F.


As always it's a thing of personal preference though. Whatever it is, there's always multiple ways to do it in this game.

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I will get back later and read all replies in this thread since I last posted here as I am to tired to do it right now. I get back in the end why as well, so I only leave this comment now.


I did check the meshes. What I forgot completely is that there is no available ground meshes except one single for the body in the meshes folder, which I think Drake did mention 2 days ago. The legs use the foot texture as Drake did mention. All race folders only have a single NIF and it is the head. Then there is only one place to look at next, and I think Drake did mention a couple of messages back that or who it was, that this might be possible to fix at each race in CS instead.


I am then thinking about making a copy of the body mesh,

  • add it to a new folder, and lets keep it simple, lets say we call that new folder Argonian.
  • We edit the mesh, points the path of the leg to a new more proper texture and
  • save it
  • Open CS and only load oblivion.esm
  • Edit the argonian race and choose the new leg mesh from the new Argonian folder
    • Makes a pray to the mad mod gods and even sacrifice a hen to it in case it is needed
  • Save as a new esp
  • Put it LAST in the modlist, even after MOO and Bashed Patch, as far down as the middle of our planet Earth or lower...

I can be wrong again. I am so bloody tired right now, that I go back here, read the messages above and then the critic below if I am wrong about this solution tomorrow. :D My eyes hurts now and my knees are chaking. (Bloody Phizer vaccin and other nasty temporary medicins (I should be back to normal within a few days really))

Edited by Pellape
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