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What religion are you?  

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  1. 1. What religion are you?

    • Christian
    • Jew
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    • Taoist
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I can actually answer this now! Ive turned Taoist, cause it was what I alredy believed before and it isnt heavy on dogma. Wow, its like im tied to this with the red string of fate, cept that time is circular so it isnt really a string... its something else...


For the sake of argument, time is neither liner nor circular. Time is realitive motion, in other words, every thing moving in relation to everything else moving. Things have moved a lot. We develope then percieve beginings and ends, and then personify everything (like god). It is the same time now that it has been forever, but everything has changed many many (key word) *times*. Things happening one after another create time, but if everything happened at once, then everything happened one time, therefore there would be no before and after, there would be no time. Circular, is however a good way to describe how matter acts. The universe moves that way and repeats itself. The motion of all things creates the essence of time. However Not every thing comes back, we wont exist again the next time the universe is created, thus time is not a circle, or at least not a perfect circle.


On Topic; Yep, I'm still a Athiest, and proud of it.

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  • 11 months later...

"lol, my lucky number is 69, but cant really say why save being given a strike from Dark0ne for being rude, but the olderones of you will know why"


Nice one LOL


I myself am a Christian ( Church of Christ [ the One Church]) I see no reason to doubtmy religeon because I have seen the complexion that is the universe (Possibly multiverse).

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aww nuts i was about to say jedi :/ (too much star wars battlefront)


I avoid religion whenever i can, church service at the school, im not going, easter assembly, wont go, i try not to get involved with religion, i wouldnt even refer to myself as an atheist, because if i remember correctly atheist is a term christains use for those "non believers".

Basically, i live my entire life making myself believe that there is no such thing as religion, not just that but the entire concept is too much to grasp, the day i believe we were created by a "spirit" is the day i die, and you never know, i might end up changing my mind.

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