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CTDs and graphic problems


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Hi there,


hope someone here might have an idea. I got myself a new monitor (2560x1440) and a new graphic card (3060 Ti). Deceided to start a new game and noticed, that some mods I used before start crashing the game (CTD).


Some weapons like the Factor, which I used before for a very long time, can't be build with the chem station anymore, due to the fact, that the game crashes as soon as I click on the weapon and it should be displayed (the Factor is

just one of several weapons with this problem). Other mods crash the game in the cut scene, where Kellog is killing Nora. Again, mods i used before without problems. And now I can't even leave Sanctuary without a CTD.


I tried EVERYTHING I can think of. Switched from NMM to Vortex to MO2. Deinstalled all mods and the game and reinstalled everything. Checked EVERY mod by installing and activating it and starting the game. (Also going through the character

creation, Vault 111 and the first steps in Sanctuary) ...and I couldn't find anything.


And now I can't even start the game, because of


The failed plugins are:

• F4MCM version 8 (mcm.dll, Mod Configuration Menu) disabled, fatal error occurred while loading plugin.

(And sometimes also XDI.dll)

Would be grateful for any hint.

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