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Thing's about the game that don't make sense


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Well gawwdamm this is one of the most interesting, and entertaining posts I've read!


Everyone makes valid points and there are lot of good explanations! :)

I'm not going to quote anyone directly but you'll know who you are (Talwyn224, 7thSeaLord ;) )


Bryan Wilks... yea I have to say.. he's creepy. When my LW sees this kid sprinting towards him. He runs the other way. This is an unspeakably dangerous wasteland full of the worst of the worstand some kid you don't know is coming right to you, and specifiacally you? He's probably coming to deliver a hand grenade or something. No thanks. And since my LW is neutral at worst and doesn't believe in shooting kids, he just removes himself from the situation.

Funny though.


And "the raiders politely waiting until this lad has secured my help then once he's satisfied we resume shooting each other.... " See, tjey might take pleasure in torture and murder, but have good manners otherwise! :sweat:



"Vault 112 - It's supposed to be a refuge for over 40 plus people but we only see about a dozen VR pods there. What about the rest of the Vault?"

My honest reply : yes -- lazy devs.

My Vault 112 excuse: the rest of the vault is there... hidden behind secret wall panels or floor panels somewhere. I haven't found it yet ;)


"Lyons and the BoS surely they'd be salivating at the prospect of getting their hands on the VR tech"

... well I've always been under the impression that they really ONLY want weapon technology. The Scribes would want it though. But the BoS leadership as we all is like, "Compooters? We already have compooters. No need no more. We want energy weapons! We don't need no more compooters."



"The Enclave - why didn't they just nuke the BoS right away or at least launch an all out assault on them BEFORE taking over Project Purity? Talk about tactical idiocy, leaving a well armed group alone in order to secure a water purifier. The Enclave should be extremely difficult to defeat as they have all the

tactical advantages, the most obvious one being Vertibirds. Having control of the air should mean that they should be able to slaughter anything they choose [death from above] in the capital wasteland. Yet we find their Vertibirds on the ground al ready for the Lone-Wanderer to blow them up with weapons fire.


ANSWER: This one's easy: They are the remnants of the US goverment. I work with some of these folks... and efficiency and 'good planning strategy' is not only not a part of the job requirement, I think it's actually frowned up. OK, now that I've said too much, moving on...


"Dad - how the hell did James get from Project Purity to Vault 112 with just a .32 pistol and a Vault suit "

That's how we see him, he might been well armed before that and had a backpack full of weapons .. that got lost along the way. And the funny thing about him being able to wear a Vault 101 suit into the VR pods. . . well wasn't he an acquaintance of Dr. B there? Maybe he got a free pass cause of who he knows. I've seen people get jobs because of who they know, even though they weren't qualified... anyhow that's off-topic.

and survive? The guy must be indestructable or a master of stealth. Somehow he manages to evade the


"An excellent example of this is the raiders camped out in the ruins of Springvale School and the house that the runaway prostitute Silver [from Megaton] lives in."

I think she lived in the 'sweet spot' between Megaton and the school: The Raiders don't want trouble from "well armed" Megaton (and so don't even wander towards where she lives) and folks from Megaton avoid the Raider-occupied school. So Moriarity sending you makes sense.

I noticed that the Raiders don't patrol outside the school either so... it seems they don't have much interest in 'raiding' Springvale.



"Moria somehow survives being at ground Zero?" " Plus there is no way in hell Moria or anyone else for that matter, survive the blast."

Easy one: she has a bomb shelter. A kick-ass bomb shelter where she conducts her experiments and writes her book(s). And she just happened to be in there when the bomb went off!

Lucky(?) her!!



"So everything in roughly a 2 mile radius from Megaton should be totally gone. I'm not certain how the game takes distance into account but it feels like TenPenny tower is only a few miles away from Megaton."

I'm completely under the impression that the distance scale is just as skewed as the time scale (I think the default is 1:24) so this basically puts Tenpenny Tower some miles away.. I duno, maybe 20? It would seem to make sense.

Tenpenny's dumb as hell for not thinking about nuclear fallout and the possibilty of that turning him into a ghoul. Now that would be ironic.



"if you decide to set the nuke off, you should automatically become THE most HATED person in the wasteland. The BoS and even Outcasts should be hunting you down for your terrible crime. Even the Enclave should be unhappy that a nuke has been set off."


BoS.. too busy in DC and too spread thin to do anything about.. and how would they know it was you?

Outcasts: they don't give a damn about wasteland settlements. In fact, it'd just prove they were right to continue their mission of "keeping weapon tech out of the hands of dumb-as-rock wastelanders."

Enclave: Too busy doing Enclave stuff... planning to get rid of the BoS. Plus, they (and probably everyone else in teh Capital Wasteland) would just think, "OOOhh, so that bomb finally went off after all! Daaaaamn, that's messed up."


"some people might like playing Evil B#####ds at least once in a while, but it just never appealed to me.

Saaame here. Same here. Even though it's just a game, it just doesn't feel right somehow :sweat:


Well, it was fun adding my two cents here. Hope to see more cool threads like one.


Have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :)


ps: I was typing fast and didnt spell check so sorry for any typos!

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