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Fallout 4 as a form of therapy


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I found out those discord servers were nuked by discord. I was able to gain access to those mods again.


In the US, the VA tries to support us. A lot of it depends on person to person, some people at the VA genuinely care, some are just collecting a paycheck.


I was later stationed in Germany, first in Schweinfurt and later in Weisbaden. I don't know the differences between how the countries treat vets, but from what I can remember the German government did seem to care more about people in general than ours. Of the all the countries I visited, Germany was probably the best.


That is surprising to hear for me. The "Bundeswehr" is often in critique for various reasons in our country. Some are reasonable, some are not, imo. At the moment a lot of vets complain about that we moved too fast out of Afghanistan and that we couldn't rescue everyone, far as I have understand it. That is of course a mistake of the politicans and not of the soldiers. Well, at least thanks to you I hear something good about the bw. That is at the moment nice to hear.




Vets will complain about one thing, and one thing only.

There needs to be a concisely defined exit strategy - and that is Mutually Inclusive on meeting the objectives of the mission that sent you there in the first place.

Without the latter - the whole reason for your existence in that region becomes forfeit - and watching a withdrawal will always show you the retaliation of the emboldened enemy who knows you are turning tail and running.


Only time in my lifetime I've seen it done right is Gulf War #1 under the leadership of elder Bush.

Set clearly defined objectives, that any monkey on the planet can understand.

Meet those objectives, even if it means you have to stop a little short because what you are doing looks like a turkey shoot in the eyes of those watching the media coverage.

Remove your boys, because the enemy understands the message loud and clear - as well as their neighbors.



Yeah, Bush senior specifically did NOT go into Baghdad to get Saddam, because he was well aware that doing so would mire us in another viet-nam-like war. So, he stopped. One of the best decisions he ever made.

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Yeah, Bush senior specifically did NOT go into Baghdad to get Saddam, because he was well aware that doing so would mire us in another viet-nam-like war. So, he stopped. One of the best decisions he ever made.



That was back when people could still remember the Vietnam war.

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Well, I as a civilian, -I am already happy if it comes not even to more wars in the future. If you look at the political landscape today, there are a few regions that worrie me a bit. I mean, I don't think on it every day, but if I would ever read in the newspapers that at region X a new war would escalate... Let me just say... I wouldn't be surprised.


Far too many people have forget the lessons from ww1 and 2 imo, or outright ignore them for more political power, or whatever.

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Well, I as a civilian, -I am already happy if it comes not even to more wars in the future. If you look at the political landscape today, there are a few regions that worrie me a bit. I mean, I don't think on it every day, but if I would ever read in the newspapers that at region X a new war would escalate... Let me just say... I wouldn't be surprised.


Far too many people have forget the lessons from ww1 and 2 imo, or outright ignore them for more political power, or whatever.

Trouble is, the folks that make the decisions to go to war, don't have a dog in the hunt. None of THEIR kids are on the front lines...... Also, a fair few of them haven't served themselves either......

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So why did I post this here? Well, Nexus is more or less central in my life. There also really isn't anywhere or anyone else to share this with. I felt keeping these thoughts bottled up, especially on this day, would do far more harm than good.

I am glad you did. It reminds me I am not alone. I too have PTSD. Mine is from a childhood of abuse and violence. I too use Bethesda games and nexus mods to create an immersive world to help me cope.


this is my bad week. It is Canadian thanksgiving and when I was 7 I witnessed a double homocide at dinner.


This service is very important to me for my coping strategies.


I was also surprised to see a number of mods in my normal load order missing, and to learn why.


I am hoping my new set up works.


Thank you for your courage in posting this, and making it ok for me to do so.

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