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How does the Syringer work


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Might be tied to it's animation, somehow...


Implementing a custom-ammo weapon might still be feasible. You would have to react to the "reload" event, open a container from a hidden cell, then listen to the inventory events from there.


Then try to to dynamically change OMODs on the weapon and give the player a dummy placeholder ammo? Though IIRC dynamically changing OMODs is somewhat wonky. Maybe investigate how other mods with ammo change/firing mode change are doing it.


Or maybe just make the weapon fire an invisible dummy, which then moves the first ref from the ammo chest to itself? There might be different ways how this could work, with various levels of hackiness.

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Ah there's a fire event. No need for OMODs as the Magic Effect Script could sometimes do the trick.

From experience changing OMODs while the weapon is drawn will lead to the weapon being sheathed and unsheathed again

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From what I understood, you have to sheathe and draw the weapon for the OMOD change to take effect. But I think I heard somewhere of some trick which supposedly works without?


If all you want is do something to the target, then a scripted magic effect might be enough. But I'm wondering how complicated it would be to actually visually change the projectile, or even a part of the weapon, depending on what you load into it.


Not 100% sure about the "fire" event. I think here the trick was, you must listen to the OnAnimationEvent, then use one of these: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Animation_Event_List

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