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Jump Attack mod


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I'd love to see this too!! There is a "jump attack" perk in the one handed tree. So maybe just use that animation? - but you can access it while in the air. a successful jump attack could stagger an opponent X% of the time.

Same with the Jump onto someone's head attack. maybe have it play the "Block Runner" effect animation.

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I can see two ways for this to work...


1.) I do a little swordplay IRL, and one of my signature show-off moves is to take a running start and then jump, using my weight to make a fancy downward slash (I don't do it for serious combat, just to kinda show off to people. It's an art!)


2.) I can also see jumping from a ledge, or a balcony, and doing an epic cinema-style power-dive-strike, crashing down on your opponent like the wrath of Talos himself.

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Dropping down on someone's head with a knife is pretty much a staple of any rogue/stealthy type character in literally everything. I think it's plausible to put this in game as well, but it may be limited to some very specific instances where you'd have to line things up just right.

My idea would be to create a context-sensitive 100% chance killmove usable while in stealth when positioned a certain distance from an enemy when above and behind them. Killmove animations make you invulnerable for their duration, so I think this would negate any fall damage caused by the jump down onto them. Seemingly doable, yes. Plausible, I don't know.

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Jump attacks was one of my favored tactics in Oblivion, and I absolutely hate that I can't do it in Skyrim.


Why don't we have anyone working on this? I've seen this request before so obviously there are a lot of us who want it.


I would be happy just to be able to hop off some steps and attack them while in air even if it don't kill them everytime. I don't know how many time I have been in a situation where that would have helped.


Like, I know, right?


It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just let us swing our weapons while our feet aren't touching the ground.

Edited by Relativelybest
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