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So, I really like the idea of having assassins in the game (The Dark Brotherhood) but I think it would be awesome if things were a little more... lone wolf?

You're an assassin on your own, no guild or anything. When you start the game with the mod installed for the first time, you get the option to choose a name (type it in) similar to in Oblivion where you can choose your Grand Champion name. Characters don't say it, but they mention it in notes (explained in further detail later on). You also get a special item that, whenever worn, changes your bounty over from the normal Vanilla bounty to the Assassin bounty (similar to the Vampire Lord bounty).


Only way to get contracts is by going in to towns and speaking to people (?), having them walk past you and dropping a note out of their inventory onto the ground for you to pick up (?), or by just getting a note via courier. If you speak to them, they would ask if you were the one for the job and a dialogue option would appear like "Not here, too many people." and when you click that, they follow you (?). When you think it's safe and there aren't any witnesses, you talk to them again and a dialogue option will appear saying something like "Okay, speak."


They tell you who they want killed, how much they will pay you, etc. After they're done, you have the option to accept or decline. If you decline, they may become desperate and raise the price that they were going to pay you (i.e. from 100 Gold to 200 Gold). You accept, they pay you, and you kill the person. Contract completed.


If they drop a note or you get one from a courier, it will say something similar to;

"[Assassin Name Here],


I heard that you would be able to assist me in clearing off some loose ends.

I need to speak with you, preferably someplace quiet.


Meet me at [Place Name (i.e. The Bannered Mare)] and I'll tell you more.



-[Name of Client]"


You go to the location mentioned, look for them, and initiate conversation. They then say "Sorry, I'm just waiting for... a friend." which you can then reply with something like "You probably wouldn't want to be my friend.". From then on it's the same concept as mentioned before.


Sometimes you would also be set up. You would get a letter as usual telling you where to meet them, etc etc. When you get there, you start talking to the person like usual, except after a while the person would say "I- I'm so sorry..." after which a few guards come into the place. They will attempt an arrest if you have the assassin-identity item equipped (or you have vanilla bounty).


Only way to escape is by going to jail, killing them or fleeing. Instead of paying bounty, however, you could either bribe them (persuade) or intimidate them.

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I think doing more stuff with the Morag Tong would be pretty cool. They were the contract killers of Morrowind. Rival guild of The Dark Brotherhood. However, there is in-game dialogue that mentions the disbanding of the Morag Tong, but maybe someone could do a whole "We're getting back together" mod quest thing.

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