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What other settlements are affected by Outcasts and Remnants quest mod?


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Hoping someoone with a good understanding of Outcasts and Rermnants can answer this question.


The scenario is as follows:


  • - I spend dozens of hours constructing a very elaborate settlement in Hangman's Alley, with a very intricate three-story building, fully furnished, with interior walls, carpets, decorations, stores, amenities, a bar etc. etc.


  • - To do this I used the Spring Cleaning mod, in conjunction with Place, and a whole bunch of other building mods.


  • - I scrapped the existing buildings in Hangman's Alley, using the 'select extra' function of the Place mod, and built my own structures in the space they had occupied.


So far so good, but then....


  • - I installed Outcasts and Remnants, and began the main questline.


  • - When returning to Hangman's Alley I saw that the buildings I had scrapped to make my settlement had come bac, and were now clipping through the buildings I had constructed, ruining the whole thing. I presume this is because of the locations for a component of the time travel side quest creates a new interior space adjacent to Hangman's Alley, and the mod author simply recreated Hangman's Alley around it.


  • - The 'recreated' original buldings cannot be scrapped using any scrapping mod I have. Places select extra objects mode does not work. Not even disabling them with the console works, nothing can remove them.


  • - Therefore my settlement is ruined, wasting dozens of hours' work. I had no option but to uninstall Outcasts and Remnants and go back to an earlier save.



So, can anyone tell me if any other settlements are similarly 're-created and made unchangeable' by the mod? Or is it just Hangman's Alley?


I'll probably use this and Operation Valkyrie for my next playthrough, and I'll just have to work around the 'unchangeable' buildings in Hangman's Alley, but if other settlements are also affected it would be good to get a heads up on what I can and cannot do in terms of building.


Thank you. I'd post on the mod's discussion, but the author has locked all comments.

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This is not due to Outcasts and Remnants. Are you using Boston FPS or the mod that replaced it? My guess is that is reverted your changes.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.


No I am not using Boston FPS (which I've honestly never heard of) or any mods that affect the world space.


The only mods I'm using are a bunch of graphical mods such as high res textures etc. A bunch of crafting mods such as Place, Homemaker, Spring Cleaning etc. and a few immersion mods such as Send Companions Home, Name your Settlers etc. Nothing that makes physical changes to the game world.


I've used all the above mods in numerous playthroughs without incident.


The scenario is that I was playing as usual without incident, Hangman's Alley was fine. I then installed O&R, and Hangman's Alley immediately changed with (now unscrappable) old buildings spawning back in. Uninstalling O&R put it back to how it was.


Therefore I can reasonably conclude that O&R is the culprit, particularly when you consider that the world space adjacent to Hangman's Alley IS changed due to the creation of a new interior space to house one of the components of the Time Machine quest.

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That's a good point. Yes, O&R is near the bottom of the load order, well below Spring Cleaning and Settlements Expanded.


I'll change the load order and see it it makes any difference. I've actually started a new playthrough from scratch with O&R and Valkyrie installed, so now is a good time to test things out. I've not even been to Hangman's Alley yet in this new playthrough.

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I build allot at Hangmans and have O&R but I also have a mod that changes Hangmans to more appartment buildings. I have never had the issue you stated, the only issue I have is settlers will walk towards Diamond City once in a while where they didn't used to do that. I too would recommend the scrapping mods to be last or near the last in your load order.

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I build allot at Hangmans and have O&R but I also have a mod that changes Hangmans to more appartment buildings. I have never had the issue you stated, the only issue I have is settlers will walk towards Diamond City once in a while where they didn't used to do that. I too would recommend the scrapping mods to be last or near the last in your load order.

Maybe they want to go shopping? :) After all, there are quite a few good shops in DC. :D

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In Nexus Mod Manager Spring Cleaning is above A&R and Project Valkyrie in the load order.



Sadly there appears to be no method of changing the load order. The arrow to move A&R and Project Valkyrie is greyed out. I can move them up, but not down, and the down arrow for Spring Cleaning is greyed out. This makes it impossible to change the load order.


I've researched this problem using Goole, and the default solution appears to be to manually edit the load order text file, however this does not work for me, the loadout remains the same even if I change it in the text file.


Think I'm just gonna have to live with this, and accept that the ugly building on stilts in Hangman's Alley can never be removed, and just work around it.

Edited by LordSnot
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