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What other settlements are affected by Outcasts and Remnants quest mod?


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According to my research on Google it's a problem with mods that use ESL files. These are most commonly associated with Creation Club content and cause a problem in which they become stuck in the Mod Manager load order and cannot be moved, and also stop mods sitting below them from being moved.


I don't have any Creation Club content, but unfortunately one of my mods 'Name your Settler' gives you a choice between an ESL, or legacy ESP when installing it. I accidently chose the ESL at the time as I wasn't knowledgeable about this kind of thing. I've since uninstalled the ESL and installed the ESP version, but Mod Manager still seems to think that it's there as the load order is stuck in the place where 'Settlershavenames.esl' used to be.


Still I think I now understand the problem. The scenario is something like this:


  • Outcasts & Remnants changes part of the world space adjacent to Hangman's Alley, 'recreating' the settlement and replacing vanilla structures
  • Spring Cleaning is above O&R the load order in NMM meaning that it can't interact properly with the mod.
  • Load order can't be changed due to old install of Name your Settler ESL version.

Additionally O&R is an ESM mod, which apparently should always sit above ESP in load order.


The solution is to uninstall every mod, and probably do a clean install of the game too, and then re-install all mods in the right order, but this isn't a good idea in the middle of a heavily-modded playthough. I'll just live with it for now.

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i have mods which change Hangmans and use Outcasts and never seen this issue. However a quick fix would be to grab Spring Cleaning Patch by Vlitis and put it at the very bottom of your load order. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12702. What is happening is your changes that you made to Hangmans are being reverted to vanilla by mods you loaded into the game after you had made the alterations. Be aware that Spring Cleaning (and all scrap mods) disable the precombines and previs in settlement cells - which is fine if you want to get rid of more rubbish than vanilla will let you do - any mod loaded after will revert it so that previs and precmbine are back to vanilla, the Spring cleaning compatability patch will disable them again.

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i have mods which change Hangmans and use Outcasts and never seen this issue. However a quick fix would be to grab Spring Cleaning Patch by Vlitis and put it at the very bottom of your load order. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12702. What is happening is your changes that you made to Hangmans are being reverted to vanilla by mods you loaded into the game after you had made the alterations. Be aware that Spring Cleaning (and all scrap mods) disable the precombines and previs in settlement cells - which is fine if you want to get rid of more rubbish than vanilla will let you do - any mod loaded after will revert it so that previs and precmbine are back to vanilla, the Spring cleaning compatability patch will disable them again.


There are no quick fixes when it comes to doing what he's trying to do.

He's adding a mod on TOP of live save game and then wondering why all that work he did to customize the environment gets overwritten by the mod he added.

He'd need to literally start with Outcasts and Remnants loaded, then with Spring Cleaning destroy everything Outcasts does at that one location and make it how he wants. i.e. he'd need to reinvent the wheel. Problem is Spring Cleaning will destroy what Outcasts and Remnants does at every location.....

Edited by Haanjo63
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've played through O&R and do not remember any special content for Hangman's Alley, for what its worth.

There isn't any. However, the contention that it has somehow influenced the plans of Alduin in Sovngarde is still in question. How did Thuggysmurf do this? It remains a modding mystery.

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