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Falskaar may have been huge......but this is even bigger


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Now, I'm sure we've all at least tried Falskaar(loving it so far, not even close to being finished. The music is amazing as well.). It's a huge mod, with a hole new land the size of roughly a fourth of Skyrim. A very well done and interesting mod. But today, after some browsing, I found out about a mod in the making, with a dedicated team of modders, who plan on allowing you to visit ALL the regions of Tamriel. Yes, you heard me. ALL of them. From the harshness of Skyrim to the tranquility of Cyrodiil, this mod is still in the making and will be for quite a while. Just thought I'd share this with all of you. Here's the link in case any of you want to read more about it.



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I've prayed for so long... I think I just died and went to heaven.


I hope someone will make a mod like that awesome one for Oblivion, that lets you create and write your own books ingame.. I'm obsessed with writing and I fervently enjoy recording all of my character's travels and adventures in their own words, chronicling their life and thoughts. Kind of like writing history. It adds a whole new dimension to one's roleplaying experience.


Exploring all of Tamriel. Now that would be too awesome for words to say.

Edited by Lehcar
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Wow, wasn't expecting that when i clicked, would happlily play a buggy pre-alpha to see how things were progressing :p


I loved the Elsweyr for Oblivion as it brought something new, i would love revisting Cyrodil again though :p

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As amazing as this is it is kind of old news. There have been many different modding teams who have tried to do this ever since the CK was first released and pretty much all of them haven't been able to finish for one reason or another.

Well, we'll just have to see won't we? I'm hoping that it will come true. This team seems VERY dedicated and they're working their a** off for this. I believe that they can make this happen. Let's hope for the best!

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Seen so many those "we creating world 10 million times bigger then anything" mods bite the dust, that my hype meter = 0.

What is really big deal is Enderal, since it has talented team and Nehrim showed those guys deliver.

How do you know that the team for this mod isn't talented? Did you read the site I posted above? It explains their hard work, contact with Bethesda, and dedication to the project. As far as I'm concerned, you saying that "Enderal" is a big deal because it's doing the something that this project plans on doing, makes your statement a little bit hypocritical. I mean no disrespect, but I do encourage you to read up on the link and what I wrote before trying to make a comparison that makes your statment hypocritcal.

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The problem with such ambitious mods is that they rarely see the full completion. I wouldn't be surprised if only a few provinces were completed, the rest just landscaped.


Even Andoran Prologue seems to be dead, and that looked well into completion stages.

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The problem with such ambitious mods is that they rarely see the full completion. I wouldn't be surprised if only a few provinces were completed, the rest just landscaped.


Even Andoran Prologue seems to be dead, and that looked well into completion stages.

Yeah, I hope they do manage to get this done though. They said the release date will be sometime in 2014, and they'll be releasing it in different parts (i.e Cyrodiil is 1 file, Hammerfell is another, etc. etc. etc.). I got my hopes up because this team is the first that I have seen doing so well. They haven't given up although they've run into MANY rough obstacles. They've contacted Bethesda, and they have seperate groups for every single aspect of the mod. Like I said, I'm hoping for the best. It'd be amazing to revisit the past Elder Scrolls games and it may give Bethesda some inspiration for TESVI. Fingers crossed that this proves worthwile.

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