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ENB: How to get nice dark nights


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Not sure if this should go here, but giving it a shot.



So one issue I have been having with ENBs lately is that nights are just too darn bright! Of all the new ENBs that are up to date to the latest ENB binary, none of them has nice dark nights like I used to have.


So what I would like to know is, what settings do I have to change in enbseries.ini to make nights realistically dark? I mean pitch black walking-around-with-a-torch wondering whats gonna jump out of the darkness at me dark.


Thank you for your help.

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It kind-of depends which ENB we're talking about as nights can be adjusted using different methods and over different files that may or may not be present in particular ENB presets.


However one file that will definitely exist over all ENBs is the "enbseries.ini" file, which contains the lighting values you'll want to adjust. If the ENB you're using is based on or after ENB v0.125 then you can use an in-game editor to adjust these lighting values by pressing Shift+Enter, or if you don't have this option then you can manually change the enbseries.ini file by opening it in a text file reader / editor program such as notepad or getdiz and edit the file this way.


You'll need to navigate down to the [ENVIRONMENT] section and simply reduce the night lighting values (direct lighting, ambient lighting). Make your changes logically so it doesn't look imbalanced - i.e if you halve the direct light intensity then also halve the indirect light intensity. You may also need to polish the lighting off further by reducing other night-time element such as window light intensity, fires intensity etc.

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  • 5 years later...

Why you want to use Enbseries.ini instead of doing it ingame?


Shift + Enter or your key to Enter ENB Editor in game

and change ENB in game... change time to Night and make fun with Sliders... once you done press "Save Settings" and DONE :D !



i have nice Nights that are complete Black :)

even sky is 100% Black color like real Night is :)


to see Real Night you have to be in Forest or somewhere where are no lights


Night in City isn't like Night in for example Forest

Moon give almost no Light :)


#Sry4BadEnglish :)



Change Fog / Sky / Clouds / Sun and Moon to change Night look

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