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Skyrim PC Console Commands Equip Item?


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Hi all,

Can some one help me out with some console commands for Skyrim? i want to use a command to equip 2 weapons 1 to the left hand and 1 to the right hand how can i do that?

for example if i want to equip a dagger (0009ccdc) to my left hand and a axe to my right hand (000139b3) how can i do it?

i have tried a thew different ways but go no where. here are some i have tried

"player.equipitem 0009ccdc left"

"player.equipitem 0009ccdc <left>"

"player.equipitem 000139b3 right"

"player.equipitem 000139b3 <right>"

"player.equipitem 000139b3"

"player.equipitem 0009ccdc"

some of the above half work for example it will equip the item i ask for but it will put it in the right hand even if i say to place it in the left hand. so if i put 2 commands in one for the left hand and one for the right all i get is the last weapon i asked for in the right hand.

is there another way to do this? with out a mod. one i have got it working i make a couple of bat files each with a different set of weapons and i will map a key to the bat command so i can swap to my favorite weapons fast and with out having to look down the items list to equip them individually.

Please help!

Thanks Joe.

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I'm not 100% sure on what you're asking here. If you want to dual wield, go into your inventory, and then right click on one weapon, and left click on the next. This way the weapons you selected will end up in both hands.

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I'm not 100% sure on what you're asking here. If you want to dual wield, go into your inventory, and then right click on one weapon, and left click on the next. This way the weapons you selected will end up in both hands.


yes i know that. i find that when im in a battle and decided i need to change weapons. for example if i have a bow out, and im shooting at a target thats far away but another target gets close to me. i need to swap back to say a dagger or something but i like to to dual wield a dagger and an axe. so to fight the one that has got close to me i have to open a menu and look down a list to find the ones i want to use. doing this for me takes me out of the feel of the fight and the game as it stops the action. so i want to find a console command to equip the dagger to my left hand and the axe to my right hand. once i have know the command to do this i will make a bat file (a file that auto opens the command line and puts in a command then closes the command line.) i will map a key to that file so when im in game, to change my equipped weapons all i need to do then is press that key. i already know how to make a bat file and how to map it to a key i want, the only thing i need help with is finding the correct console command to equip a weapon to a specific hand.


​so basically all i need to know is what console command i can use to map this dagger (item code - 0009ccdc) to my left hand and i also need a console command i use to map this axe (item code - 000139b3) to my right hand


Please can anyone help me

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Alright, well there's a far easier solution than using console commands. Favorite both of your swords(I'd favorite your bow also). Now, go into the favorites menu. Once you're in the favorites menu, select the sword you put into your MAIN(right) hand. Hotkey that swords. I usually hotkey my primary weapon as 1 and my secondary(bow, crossbow) as 2. So, press 1 on your main weapon. You don't have to hotkey the other dual wield weapon. Then press 2 on the bow. Now, whenever you want to switch between weapons in combat, all you have to do is press 1 for your main weapon(the left hand weapon will always stay equipped when you equip your main weapon, unless you manually remove it from your left hand) and press 2 for your bow. Hotkeys are very useful, and I suggest that you start using them.

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  • 7 years later...

Today, I was tinkering with this command (equipitem and unequipitem) and for the hand parameter to work the command must be written as follow : player.equipitem ItemID # HandParameter (with # being a number (I use 0, I have no idea what it does but it must be here), and HandParameter being left or right).

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Here is my preferred source for console commands:




Here is part of the text:


With a selected NPC, you can typically use equipitem <Item ID> for use (if one is not already in their inventory, it will be added); the player-character equivalent is player.equipitem.

  • An optional extra parameter is 0 or 1: the latter seems to make the item not be unequippable (sometimes – the results are not entirely consistent), e.g. to keep a weapon drawn at all times; the default is 0, and leaves the item contextually unequippable (or resets it to be so, if 1 was used earlier).
  • A second optional parameter is left or right, which puts Item in a specific hand, if applicable; if this parameter is used, then 0 or 1 must precede it (usually 0).
  • It only works on baseIDs. Consequently, it will equip an item of that type already in inventory, or a create a new copy of the item if it is not already in inventory. You cannot use it to transfer a specific item from your inventory (or the ground, or a container) to an NPC.

The opposite command is unequipitem, and works with the same basic syntax. See also equipspell and equipshout.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Go to a desired weapon in your inventory, then use your left attack button (PC defaults to right mouse button, consoles use L1) to put it in your left hand, then go to the second weapon and do the same with your right attack button (PC defaults to left mouse button, consoles use R1) for your right hand.

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