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how many people are still playing morrowind?


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I played Oblivion for just over 1 year solidly. I spent 8 months on the main gain + official addons and an extra 4 months on 3rd party mods. Then was on Dragon Age for 2 months, then I started Morrowind in February 2010.

I am just about to finish playing Morrowind + Tribunal + Bloodmood using MCP, MGE, better bodies, better heads and as many secenery enhancers that I could find.

I have tried 2 different 3rd party mods but neither worked properly (Telperion V1.03 - the ground around the tree house was just not there, and Adventurer's Guild V2.6 - could not get the 2nd Balmora Quest to conclude). At that point I have spat the dummy out and I am about to mothball Morrowind and go on to Dragon Age Awakening.

But all my Morrowind addons and saves are on DVD so I can carry on again in the future......


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I've recently acquired the Steam version of the game and I enjoy it a lot more than Fallout 3, due to performance issues, (and severe boredom) of the other game.


Having beaten Daggerfall twice two different branching ways, I felt the need to play Morrowind before playing Oblivion, if it ever comes to that, since I'm liking Morrowind's performance on my machine than I would Oblivion or Fallout 3.


Chances are I'll be playing this a LONG, LONG time.. Plenty of time to try out all the mods for it too.

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I play it because it's like a low demand Oblivion with new features, quests and locations. And because Haskill voices the Dunmer males.


Huh? Morrowind is so much better than Hentai-Oblivion that its not even comparable. With MGE, and all the other texture replacers out there, the only thing Oblivion has on Morrowind is actual character appearance.


Sorry for the rant, but Morrowind/Tribunal/Bloodmoon beat the crap out of Oblivion and "The Shivering Isles" to the point where even hinting that Oblivion is better is just ludicrous.

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I want to play Morrowind, since it must have a better spell system than oblivion, and far better quests and such.


Unfortunately, I can't buy it in stores, and I don't know anyone who has it. Anyone who did, and let me play it, I only was able to play for like 20 minutes or so.


Morrowind GOTY: $8-20 on Ebay, plus shipping.

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iv just got back into the game after finding it whilst moving. I know people are still moding the crap out of it, and this tamriel rebuilt has provided somthing new to play.


just wondering if many of you still play it and why? for me i just think it has a lot more character than oblivion

hi jazzblack im 48 been playing it for years only just got tribunal&bloodmoon now finding all my plundering for years haveig trouble doing quests but still fun

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