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how many people are still playing morrowind?


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I played MW ALOT!! when it first came out. I remember I only had a 500 Mhz cpu :)). I think MW has more depth that OB ... OB gets a 10+ for graphics. MW was more challenging, like when you got poisoned you really needed to use that cure poison potion, but in OB you aren't poisoned long enough to really need one. In MW you couldn't make a constant effect item till higher levels. In OB I looted a Amulet of breathing underwater at lv 5, which made the potions kinda useless. In MW you'd have to go find locations yourself with hints sometimes. In OB a map maker is placed where to go, then when you get there it says...You found "location" :)) Maybe they aimed OB more towards a younger crowd, I don't know, I felt a lot like i was being lead around on leash sometimes. The water in MW was way more detailed than in OB. Remembering the days of Daggerfal and Arena....OB is a cake walk in comparison. They sacrificed in depth gameplay for outstanding graphics. Reading this post makes me want to install MW again. The main quest in MW took a few months, where as in OB about 2 weeks..:|


I could sit here and compare more things but that is enough.


I still play OB a lot.

Thanks for reading :)

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I haven't played Morrowind in a couple of months, but I am sure I will get back to it. Vanilla Morrowind has so many more factions to join than Oblivion. Oblivion was a big disappointment in that respect. There are no factions for certain character classes to join in Oblivion, where it seems like there was always something to join in Morrowind. I like how the monsters were not so very leveled in Morrowind. I liked the rarity of things like glass and daedric armor. I liked the lack of respawning NPCs.


I absolutely loved levitating and the more-realistic fast travel. In Morrowind, fast travel was safe because you were teleporting, riding a ship, or riding a silt strider. In Oblivion it is just a legal cheat. You can magically walk the roads without encountering any monsters, risking your life, using up your potions, and wearing out your gear. It is so lame!


The economic system in Morrowind was strange and hard to work with, but I loved it. In many times and places, trade has been like that. There is not enough money, and so people barter. There exist items that are too expensive to buy or sell for money, so you have to work around it.


In Morrowind, my goal in getting rich was to make powerful custom enchanted items. In Oblivion, there is nothing cool to spend my money on. A fortune of 10,000 septims is about all you ever need. You tend to just accidentally earn vast sums of money.

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I played MW ALOT!! when it first came out. I remember I only had a 500 Mhz cpu :)). I think MW has more depth that OB ... OB gets a 10+ for graphics. MW was more challenging, like when you got poisoned you really needed to use that cure poison potion, but in OB you aren't poisoned long enough to really need one. In MW you couldn't make a constant effect item till higher levels. In OB I looted a Amulet of breathing underwater at lv 5, which made the potions kinda useless. In MW you'd have to go find locations yourself with hints sometimes. In OB a map maker is placed where to go, then when you get there it says...You found "location" :)) Maybe they aimed OB more towards a younger crowd, I don't know, I felt a lot like i was being lead around on leash sometimes. The water in MW was way more detailed than in OB. Remembering the days of Daggerfal and Arena....OB is a cake walk in comparison. They sacrificed in depth gameplay for outstanding graphics. Reading this post makes me want to install MW again. The main quest in MW took a few months, where as in OB about 2 weeks..:|


I could sit here and compare more things but that is enough.


I still play OB a lot.

Thanks for reading :)

i play morrowind as a matter of the fact i just killed everyone in ginisis srry about the spelling with umbra and also morrowind is a sh!! load bigger

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I played MW ALOT!! when it first came out. I remember I only had a 500 Mhz cpu :)). I think MW has more depth that OB ... OB gets a 10+ for graphics. MW was more challenging, like when you got poisoned you really needed to use that cure poison potion, but in OB you aren't poisoned long enough to really need one. In MW you couldn't make a constant effect item till higher levels. In OB I looted a Amulet of breathing underwater at lv 5, which made the potions kinda useless. In MW you'd have to go find locations yourself with hints sometimes. In OB a map maker is placed where to go, then when you get there it says...You found "location" :)) Maybe they aimed OB more towards a younger crowd, I don't know, I felt a lot like i was being lead around on leash sometimes. The water in MW was way more detailed than in OB. Remembering the days of Daggerfal and Arena....OB is a cake walk in comparison. They sacrificed in depth gameplay for outstanding graphics. Reading this post makes me want to install MW again. The main quest in MW took a few months, where as in OB about 2 weeks..:|


I could sit here and compare more things but that is enough.


I still play OB a lot.

Thanks for reading :)

i play morrowind as a matter of the fact i just killed everyone in ginisis srry about the spelling with umbra and also morrowind is a sh!! load bigger

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I played MW ALOT!! when it first came out. I remember I only had a 500 Mhz cpu :)). I think MW has more depth that OB ... OB gets a 10+ for graphics. MW was more challenging, like when you got poisoned you really needed to use that cure poison potion, but in OB you aren't poisoned long enough to really need one. In MW you couldn't make a constant effect item till higher levels. In OB I looted a Amulet of breathing underwater at lv 5, which made the potions kinda useless. In MW you'd have to go find locations yourself with hints sometimes. In OB a map maker is placed where to go, then when you get there it says...You found "location" :)) Maybe they aimed OB more towards a younger crowd, I don't know, I felt a lot like i was being lead around on leash sometimes. The water in MW was way more detailed than in OB. Remembering the days of Daggerfal and Arena....OB is a cake walk in comparison. They sacrificed in depth gameplay for outstanding graphics. Reading this post makes me want to install MW again. The main quest in MW took a few months, where as in OB about 2 weeks..:|


I could sit here and compare more things but that is enough.


I still play OB a lot.

Thanks for reading :)

i play morrowind as a matter of the fact i just killed everyone in ginisis srry about the spelling with umbra and also morrowind is a sh!! load bigger

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I like that you don't often find an NPC called "Bandit". They're all named (mostly).

I lost my main save, so I've started again, this time as an Orc.

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I think I'll start over soon as well.

But I've been mostly playing Oblivion and FO3


When I do though I'll finally try and get MGE to work without FPS problems, I still haven't managed to do this and my computer can play Oblivion on Max graphics settings.

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It's the same with me, but only with MGE with bloom and HDR, ENBseries, Vality's Oblivion-style animated grass, and some heavy-duty mods like Balmora Expansion all running at 1280x960 windowed mode. Maybe I have some settings in MGE that are more processor-intensive than necessary, but I don't know which I should be using. I have a hotkey set for MGE to turn off the distant land when I'm in Balmora, which is about the only place that slows down with all this. That helps.
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