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CreationKit Newbie Questions - Precomb/Previs Best Practices, Other Oddities.


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first time tinkering and fiddling in the Creation Kit.


Just doing edits to the settlements I manually build, removing unwanted bushes, meshes, etc.


Ran in to some things;

  1. After removing the foundations of the scrappable houses in Sanctuary I still run into an invisible barrier in those areas. Can't find anything to click in the CK.
  2. There's a fireplace that has something attached to it from BoS101ArcJet, get this popup when trying to delete it: https://i.imgur.com/TVZVp64.png - Is it safe to joink it out of there?

Questions regarding Precombines and Previs.


A: Is there a best practice when doing precombines and previs?

  • Currently I do precombines in each cell i've made edits in.
  • Then I go to the center cell of each cell cluster and do previs and precombine previs.
  • I only do Current Cell and not Loaded Cells

B: I use the wonderful FPS savior "Previs Repair Pack." Am I ok with just loading my edits after PRP or do I need to create a patch? I've looked in xEdit and those Worldspace edits look complicated. :smile:


- Karmamuscle


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Give this rather long thread a read reading Precombines and Previs as it holds a lot of information on said topic.


Fallout 4 Optimization and Performance Systems Explained


As for the fireplace, there is a quest associated with it. If you disable the fireplace you will mess up the quest. I think there might be other items that also have associated quest (the crib comes to mind).


Also, be sure to hit the M key while in the Creation Kit as this will turn on markers and the like.


There are a number of clean Sanctuary mods out there. Jenncave's mod are very well done and ones that I would recommend. She has pulled her mods from this site but take a look at her profile page to find them.



Edited by pepperman35
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Thank you for the reply Pepperman35


Will have a go at that thread, hopefully I'll be able to figure it out. :smile:


Jenncave edits the settlements way more than what I want. But thank you for the suggestion.


Figured as much with the fireplace. No clue what that fireplace has to do with Brotherhood of Steel ArcJet quest line. :D Seems like a mistake or something.

Update: Loaded UFO4P in CK while doing my edits, it removed the quest on the fireplace, guess it was a bug.

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  • 4 weeks later...

When i first started modding locations...(i mean modifying terrain,flora,disabling 100s of objects etc...) i didnt do anything (back in 2016/17 )

Lately i started modding again and am still confused of a proper way of doing things ...since ive seen various people doing it differently.


Now im doing it as follows..

a) generate precombines for current cell (all cells that ive edited one by one)...


b) Generate /pre-vis for all loaded cells (standing in the center of the location)


c) finally generate visibility again for all loaded cells...

Save and create archive...

In my case this is a lengthy task since my latest mods are anything from 8 to 16 cells...

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