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Doom and other such games


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I still eagerly want to get the Master Levels


They sell it on Steam.


Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/9160/


Though it's a little expensive for its age...


Since it's bundled with Doom II, I'd say the price is worthwhile. You'd be better off getting the Complete Doom Pack, though, if you're willing to fork out 30 more bucks.

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Hello fellow gamers.... :biggrin:


Played Doom...sure, still have the original on 3.5... (does any body even have floppies any more?)


Only played that one time with no mods to completion. Then I acquired ROTT. Remember that game? (Rise of the Triad).


And also SoD, (Spear of Destiny). Both very kool games I must say.


Spending most of my time playing the very, very kool Fallout 3 now. I'm amazed at all the available mods there are for this game... so I know I'll be happy with this game for quite a while. :biggrin:



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My best friend and I actually used to mod the original Doom together. We would make our own multiplayer maps based off of other games maps like GoldenEye, or Perfect Dark. We would also make insanely hard levels just to try and pulverize one another. We got pretty good at it at one point, but that was a long time ago.
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Do either of you still have any of your work, or ever uploaded it anywhere? I still love to play!




I know that I don't have any of the levels I made any more. I've long since overhauled my computer and somewhere in the melee, all the work was lost. I'll check with my friend, but I can't make any promises.

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