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Need A hand

The Hooded

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Tanks for read_ing this.


Ps Sorry for typo's




Nif auto tex,s seartser.

editor Compiled a Script copy and paste.



Nif's voor

new ingrediends Spells and

Resise for Creature's -20% add 20% or les minium of 10%

New RoomS Halls Hallway's Conetors( it still cost time to Conect a cave Whith Vivec Rooms And Vivec to DwelmerAng so on )


Non Beast whith Tail


New Elementol Createture. fire like Purpal & Black or Blue & black & Yellow Black & Red And so on


Adding of NEW Spells Skill Atribute Not Replase


Gold 1 5 10 20 25 40 50 75 85 100

Silver or\and coper 1 5 10 20 25 40 50 75 85 100



Script For


1a: Summoning Traders 4 Lockal BV Vivec or Balmora Seyrda neen Camps And so on.

1b: some need to escape cost min 25Gp And a Orb of travel(5 more)(only to Vivec or Balmora And so on ).

1c: 5X Drop a marker to return (see 1b).

ipv Ring of teleport.



2: Creature is Dead(killt by Player) leveld Trap script.


3: door open trap script So Cant disarmt it.


4: Weapon Extra Evect ipv only Encant.


5: auto relock


6: RePair Limed like 10 times


7: Disarm of Mine's bv lockpick Or Prope


8: Leveld Summon By Algemie Bv Bone + bone meal + Gem of dead = Random_Leveld Skelatol 1 2 or 3


9: Dwelmer only /Gold only /no Gems /No Swords /No Mace


10: Pay in Gem's


11: Craft Weapon(Trow) / ammo /Ring/Weapon Sword Siver

like 50 arows or bolts att one time

Forge Blacksmit anvil

3 Main Machins For Algemie or Soul or Algemie And Soul




Make Mod's Need More Cave 's / Dungens and Tombe 's



Mod's Rebuilt update and in esp


WoundPenalties vs DwemerBioMonitor_v1.2

New Npc Replacer vs Unique Heads I-Balmora vs Better Heads vs All New Faces Compilation

chemwar Vs fletcher

Scripted Spells vs Clean Inscription 2.0 Vs LeafRestore Vs Magical Trinkets








Clean Black Queen Chronicles Ver 2.5



Give your orders

Jaffa Weaponry



Clean Inscription 2.0

Illuminated Order v1.1 (IndyBank WC Compatible) 1.0

Rogues 1.51


Factions Expanded


Almilia's daughters 3.2


Battle Arena of Giants

Apprentice scrolls and mystical quills v1.4


And Not as last All voice mod's



And Not In the game jet But in leveld not in the Fields of joy

And No replase

All Creatures Mods




Abigail's Petshop_v5.5_SN_E

Petshop 4.2


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