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Torch "Light" Spell

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i want to make a light spell that uses the light that comes from a torch as most mods usually recommend a torch for light, i have seen some retextures for the light spell but that changes the light spell and its temporary so long as i have it installed.


i want a script that can be change within the cs and i wanted it to used in 2 ways,

1 was when the player walked in a cell to create an aura of light

2 in a standalone spell just for it

and if possible to have the light in the same place as the torch when lit to create a similar effect

if i can get any help for this i would be grateful.

Edited by bomo99
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You can create a scripted spell that equips your character with a torch and/or change the colors of the SpellILightSpellMedium light with R 184 G 123 & B 69.

i want the spell to work underwater like a normal light spell, so torches cannot be used. for the changing of the color is it possible to script a spell to act like a light spell with those colors? i dont want to change anything in the base game just add a new spell that is treated like a light spell

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Why don't you simply edit the vanilla game?


You can very easily detect and cancel the conflicts thanks to ObMM and TES4Edit.

i know that, i was wondering if there was another way to do this, since i could've just got a replacer.

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As a partial substitute it can be done with token in player's inventory, which is moving light source together with player. The spell would act as a switch. But there is one problem - SetPos command is not enough to fully update light source, light radius will not move with it. Only using Enable/Disable commands seems to do it, and so result will be flicky. It can be edited to accetable level, but a result will never be 100% perfect.


If you want still try it:

scn MagicTorchSpellScript

begin ScriptEffectStart
	if MagicTorchOn == 0 ;global variable
		set MagicTorchOn to 1
		player.AddItem MagicTorchToken 1
		set MagicTorchOn to 0

And for token itself:

scn MagicTorchTokenScript

ref actor
short torch_on
short disabled
short count
short fullupdate
float x ;player
float y
float z
float tx ;torch coordinates
float ty
float tz
float sx ;coordinates for update
float sy
float sz
float diff

begin GameMode
	set actor to GetContainer
	if actor == player
		if torch_on != MagicTorchOn
			if MagicTorchOn == 1 ;torch on
				TorchMagicObject.MoveTo player
				set sx to player.GetPos X
				set sy to player.GetPos Y
				set sz to player.GetPos Z
			if MagicTorchOn == 0
			set torch_on to MagicTorchOn
		if torch_on == MagicTorchOn
			if torch_on != 0	
				if count == 3
					set count to 0
					if TorchMagicObject.GetInSameCell player == 0
						TorchMagicObject.MoveTo player
						set x to player.GetPos X
						set y to player.GetPos Y
						set z to player.GetPos Z
						set z to z + 150
						set tx to TorchMagicObject.GetPos X
						set ty to TorchMagicObject.GetPos Y
						set tz to TorchMagicObject.GetPos Z
						; quick update
						if x != tx || y != ty || z != tz
							TorchMagicObject.SetPos X x
							TorchMagicObject.SetPos Y y
							TorchMagicObject.SetPos Z z
						;full update
						set fullupdate to 0
						if x > sx
							set diff to x - sx
							set diff to sx - x
						if diff >= 750
							set fullupdate to 1
						if fullupdate == 0
							if y > sy
								set diff to y - sy
								set diff to sy - y
							if diff >= 750
								set fullupdate to 1
						if fullupdate == 0
							if z > sz
								set diff to z - sz
								set diff to sz - z
							if diff >= 750
								set fullupdate to 1
						if fullupdate != 0
							TorchMagicObject.MoveTo player
					set count to count + 1
					if TorchMagicObject.GetDisabled
						set sx to TorchMagicObject.GetPos X
						set sy to TorchMagicObject.GetPos Y
						set sz to TorchMagicObject.GetPos Z

TorchMagicObject is edited light source to mimic torch light, except its radius is set to 1300 and there is no nif attached. It's also placed to one of test cells (I choosed zClothesTest) and initialy disabled it. Script are straight copy from CS editor.

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