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Stalhrim? Why is it so unpopular?


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It seems that out of all the armor types that have gotten attention, not a lot of it has been directed toward stalhrim (I'm probably spelling it wrong, just gonna acknowledge that now).


In Dragonborn,Stalhrim is kind of..strange? I don' know, it just doesn't look right. I like the idea of it, ice-armor, but I think it was made in the worst possible way.


I've always kind of hoped someone would make a stand-alone armor/weapon, that itself, is made of Stalhrim. We see steel,elven,ebony,glass,dragon, hell sometimes even iron.


But where are all the Stalhrim based armors/weapons?


I always kind of figured it had to do with people requiring the Dragonborn DLC but..I can't be the only one who's thought of this.



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The parts that are ice looks incredebly stupid, as does the healm. I'm wating for someone to retexture away the ice parts and put ether some smooth metal in there or maybe use the Aetherium textures to make something cool of it. (minor pun there)

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