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Ghost people anim question


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Ok I found a video with a brief run start at 11:46 and you will see a trapper running, not attacking but trying to find a way to the player. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpJa0t3cSK4#at=707 I want that running anim Q Q

It's at 11:46? I stepped through that video several times and I didn't see what your referring to. And straight up all the animations the ghost people are capable of are in the BSA, your tilting at windmills brother.

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Ok I found a video with a brief run start at 11:46 and you will see a trapper running, not attacking but trying to find a way to the player. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpJa0t3cSK4#at=707 I want that running anim Q Q

It's at 11:46? I stepped through that video several times and I didn't see what your referring to. And straight up all the animations the ghost people are capable of are in the BSA, your tilting at windmills brother.



its not exactly 11:46 I just put that a little ahead of it. The ghost trapper runs across the courtyard at like 11:55. Sprints right across into the corner under the balcony the player is on. Compared to the only forwards 1g 2h and h2h and the hurts there is a vast difference with the sprint.


EDIT: I'm wondering if it uses a fastfoward from another creature but I went through most in falout - meshes bsa checked out hilfolk etc.

Edited by DaemonGrin
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Sorry bro, but those are the only animations, you might have got a loop of a power attack, notice how he drops his hands and sprints in this vid;




and honestly your not going to be able to use any animations if they aren't it's directory.


Any way best of luck on your quest.

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