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Eliminate Prydwen Anyway - It's a bag of gas after all.


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Exactly. Rockets, mini nukes, artillery, or something. So I guess to make it more challenging, have those rockets with a copper warhead for "Armor Piercing" abilities that players can craft.

Edited by Skyviper086
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My question becomes, does the Prydwen even have a 'physical' presence in the world when you are standing below it??

I think it does because I used some console commands and watched the Prydwen fly to Boston, then "anchor" and when that happened the Prydwen you walk on and stand beneath appears as the flying model disappears.


With my limited understanding of programming I see two things.


1). Players can receive a pop up message at a certain level that "something big is coming" and they should make armor piercing weapons or get mini nukes or whatever. They engage the Prydwen's "flight model" destroy it and if that condition is met then code can set the Prydwen "mooring" code to not trigger. So the map marker won't be there, the physical model won't appear and all that good stuff.


2.) With the physical base ... I'm clueless. Best guess, send rockets and then trigger a scene from the minutemen blowing it up. Or whatever that animation sequence is. Or have a big huge blinding explosion and have the physical model disappear and then have the wreckage model appear as the blinding light fades away. A little smoke and mirrors.

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  • 5 months later...

Still thinking about this.


Could it be possible to add a scripted trigger to destructible item?


Lets say an invisible box around a key target area is destroyed. So when the box is destroyed it can trigger a scripted event that's already in the game of the ship being destroyed.


Can something like that work?

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Could you put a triggerbox around the flight model?? (and would it keep up with it?????) Maybe have it track inflicted damage, and once it reaches the proper amount, trigger the crashed version? (and would that appear in the proper spot?? Or is the crash a fixed location??) I would love to be able to knock it out of the sky, without going thru the whole 'liberty prime' scenario.... Kill the Prydwen before the BOS sets up their base at the airport, and the base never happens. (nor do any of the BoS questline. :) )


I am just not a fan of BoS.... I take great pleasure in shooting down their vertibirds, and wiping out their patrols. Their whole attitude really annoys me, so, I get MUCH more annoying right back. They never seem to designate me as 'an enemy' though.... Which is kinda odd, after I have killed a few dozen of their knights.

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Exactly. Rockets, mini nukes, artillery, or something. So I guess to make it more challenging, have those rockets with a copper warhead for "Armor Piercing" abilities that players can craft.

On my very first playthrough, when I had absolutely no idea about the storyline...........

I was sniping BoS off the Prydwen from the ground, there at the airport. So, that leads me to believe that Yeah, it's a physical presence and not just a prop. (Played from a PS4, btw)



You guys think small.

I think it would be FANTASTIC if we could rig an autopilot vertibird, loaded with a PA unit that has triggered core in it.

Watch a scene of the bird flying up to the gas bag. Cuts into the interior of the bird as the core starts to go into meltdown, then zoom back out to watch the nuclear detonation, and then out further to see the whole thing start to cant, and the flames spread out across the outer skin.


GAH! I STILL haven't gotten the quote system down right. :wallbash: :wallbash:

Quoted the wrong one....AGAIN :mad:

Edited by StormWolf01
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Could you put a triggerbox around the flight model?? (and would it keep up with it?????) Maybe have it track inflicted damage, and once it reaches the proper amount, trigger the crashed version? (and would that appear in the proper spot?? Or is the crash a fixed location??) I would love to be able to knock it out of the sky, without going thru the whole 'liberty prime' scenario.... Kill the Prydwen before the BOS sets up their base at the airport, and the base never happens. (nor do any of the BoS questline. :smile: )


I am just not a fan of BoS.... I take great pleasure in shooting down their vertibirds, and wiping out their patrols. Their whole attitude really annoys me, so, I get MUCH more annoying right back. They never seem to designate me as 'an enemy' though.... Which is kinda odd, after I have killed a few dozen of their knights.

I was thinking of something a little simple that a coder could. hopefully, easily do. Attack the airship once it transitions to it's physical presence at Boston Airport.

Place hit box around that version of the airship and then have it trigger the cinematic destruction scene from when Institute blows it up.


So basically:


Prydwen shows up...


Message box appears with following text:


That airship looks like it could be a problem. Should I destroy? Then options (Yes/No) if Yes then place hit box over physical version of the when it's parked at Boston Airport.


Player proceeds to quest marker indicated on map.


Once at the location another message box appears with the text: This looks like a safe enough distance to engage the airship.


Then player attacks airship but it actually hitting invisible box. Once the box is destroyed then trigger the cinematic event of the airship being destroyed.


Problems if this event is hard coded with the quest line then this idea is screwed because the rest of the game will treat it as you siding with the institute.


If a coder is so inclined then can also had random Brotherhood of Steel Vindicators that will hunt the player down until the game is over.

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