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Horror Potential

The Mantis

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I don't know if this has been mentioned already, but I did a quest for a councilor in House Redoran, her mansion had been overun by monsters her husband went in to try claim it back, but he never came out. When I went in there the place was pitch black, downstairs there was some faint lighting from somewhere, so the place was still very dark.


I found the guys body and the I heard footsteps and moaning, when I looked behind me I just saw the dark shapes of corprus victims shuffling towards me, with their arms outstretched...it was creepy.


But I sent them all to kingdom come of course.

i just happened to explore there by accident when i first begun playing morrowind thinking it was a normal manor... when i got downstairs i almost had a heart attack!! :blink:


that place still scares me to this day :unsure:

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You guys don't even know the meaning of girls blouse until you play System Shock 2. When you play that, you upgrade(or downgrade) from girls' blouse to girls' sissy frilly pink laced underwear thingiemabob.


I changed my Morrowind .ini file to use quadratic lighting instead of linear as it defaults to. It looks much better and gives off a scarier atmosphere, especially if you got the computer for maxing out real time shadows. It really looks spectacular.

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