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Saves Falsely Reported In-Game as Corrupt


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This is with a new game.

  • From the very first save, every time I save in game the Load list has a screenshot of the color bars and says Save Corrupt.
  • This happens with the Autosave done by the game upon character creation (AS-LAL), or with Autosave disabled it happens with any and all regular Saves (NO Quicksaves)
  • When I quit to desktop and start the game, all saves look normal and load from the desktop just fine.
  • Before I save in game, looking at the saves in game they look normal and load in game OK.
  • The problem happens only after I save, then no other saves will load in game and all saves have color bars and say Corrupt.
  • ReSaver says all the saves are healthy.


Any ideas?

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Thanks, but I've been running Engine Fixes for a few years now with a variety of options enabled. Also have his offline Engine Fixes fg Patch Override installed (latest alpha). I've tried uninstalling the alpha just in case, but it made no difference. I appreciate the feedback, though. I double checked my installation and MaxStdio = true is already set. I wonder if I have exceeded the new higher limit of 2048 open file handles? How would one tell?

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DDGo search for "skyrim se file handle limit check" returned this as one of the results (https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/ag4wm7/psa_the_reference_handle_cap_or_diagnosing_one_of/). It describes how to use xEdit to check the amount of handles, and has links to the xEdit scripts. I am not sure if it refers to the 64-bit version, however. The thread is >3 yr old.

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Try booting from Steam and see if you can load from there.

I am not having trouble loading from anywhere except in-game (while the game is in progress), and even then it is only after being in the game long enough for the symptoms to manifest. The game loads just fine from the desktop. This is in my OP.

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DDGo search for "skyrim se file handle limit check" returned this as one of the results (https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/ag4wm7/psa_the_reference_handle_cap_or_diagnosing_one_of/). It describes how to use xEdit to check the amount of handles, and has links to the xEdit scripts. I am not sure if it refers to the 64-bit version, however. The thread is >3 yr old.

That thread is about reference handles, not open file handles. Different problem.


However I did find this thread on the open file handles topic, which itself is somewhat useful, but it does link helpful facts from Arthmoor and aers.


If I understand it correctly, in the quote from aers it says that every plugin counts against the open file handles limit, including disabled plugins. I have 1,414 disabled plugins out of 1,932 total, and I'm in the process of testing to see if removing them from \Data\ corrects the problem. The challenge is removing them without causing Vortex to freak out... Work In Progress.

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Tested and confirmed. Moving 1,414 disabled plugins out of \Data\ corrected the False Save Corruption bug. As far as Vortex, I just can't deploy while the plugins are moved out of \Data\. I'll have to move the plugins back and forth to do mod maintenance. Fortunately I was able to cobble together a batch file to handle the 1,414 file moves with a single mouse click.

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Tested and confirmed. Moving 1,414 disabled plugins out of \Data\ corrected the False Save Corruption bug. As far as Vortex, I just can't deploy while the plugins are moved out of \Data\. I'll have to move the plugins back and forth to do mod maintenance. Fortunately I was able to cobble together a batch file to handle the 1,414 file moves with a single mouse click.

It is my understanding that Skyrim SE has a hard limit of 2K plugins, enabled or not, at any given time. This comes straight from aers, the chief author of SSE Engine Fixes. Even then, I suspect the more plugins that are present in the Data folder, the more strain is placed upon the engine & will cause lag/stutter/slow-downs in-game...

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Tested and confirmed. Moving 1,414 disabled plugins out of \Data\ corrected the False Save Corruption bug. As far as Vortex, I just can't deploy while the plugins are moved out of \Data\. I'll have to move the plugins back and forth to do mod maintenance. Fortunately I was able to cobble together a batch file to handle the 1,414 file moves with a single mouse click.

It is my understanding that Skyrim SE has a hard limit of 2K plugins, enabled or not, at any given time. This comes straight from aers, the chief author of SSE Engine Fixes. Even then, I suspect the more plugins that are present in the Data folder, the more strain is placed upon the engine & will cause lag/stutter/slow-downs in-game...


Agreed. I've been involved in a couple of lengthy discussions on the Engine Fixes posts page. The problem is I had 1,932 total plugins which is below the 2,048 limit stated by Michael (GamerPoets) and aers. Something else must have combined with my 1,932 to put me over the 2,048 limit, and I've read speculation that SKSE plugins also count toward the limit. It would be nice to have some hard facts so we know for certain what types of files will impact this issue.

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