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Saves Falsely Reported In-Game as Corrupt


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Tested and confirmed. Moving 1,414 disabled plugins out of \Data\ corrected the False Save Corruption bug. As far as Vortex, I just can't deploy while the plugins are moved out of \Data\. I'll have to move the plugins back and forth to do mod maintenance. Fortunately I was able to cobble together a batch file to handle the 1,414 file moves with a single mouse click.

It is my understanding that Skyrim SE has a hard limit of 2K plugins, enabled or not, at any given time. This comes straight from aers, the chief author of SSE Engine Fixes. Even then, I suspect the more plugins that are present in the Data folder, the more strain is placed upon the engine & will cause lag/stutter/slow-downs in-game...


Agreed. I've been involved in a couple of lengthy discussions on the Engine Fixes posts page. The problem is I had 1,932 total plugins which is below the 2,048 limit stated by Michael (GamerPoets) and aers. Something else must have combined with my 1,932 to put me over the 2,048 limit, and I've read speculation that SKSE plugins also count toward the limit. It would be nice to have some hard facts so we know for certain what types of files will impact this issue.


That would not surprise me. By the way, to hasten the process of restoring your plugins for the purpose of mod maintenance, BACK UP your Plugins.txt file to a safe place on your HDD/SSD. After restoring the plugins to the Data folder, make sure to replace the back-up Plugins.txt in order to preserve the load order you have set. Otherwise, it will be a ROYAL PAIN setting those plugins back in the correct order since saves will break if the load order is modified in any way mid-playthrough...

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That would not surprise me. By the way, to hasten the process of restoring your plugins for the purpose of mod maintenance, BACK UP your Plugins.txt file to a safe place on your HDD/SSD. After restoring the plugins to the Data folder, make sure to replace the back-up Plugins.txt in order to preserve the load order you have set. Otherwise, it will be a ROYAL PAIN setting those plugins back in the correct order since saves will break if the load order is modified in any way mid-playthrough...




I do keep a copy of plugins.txt just in case, but technically with Vortex I don't actually copy the plugins back. You know about those dreaded checks for "external changes," right? All I have to do is "deploy" in Vortex and it will detect the missing plugins, and choosing "revert" will automatically recreate the hardlinks for the plugins in \Data\, and in the correct load order.

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