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Maximium Experiance?


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Having played FONV at least twice over the past 3 years I find there are many different ways to play it and your choices do make a difference. I enjoy trying to get the most experience for each quest before committing. Does anyone have a source guide for a heads up. I can review quests guides but as they say, timing is everything.


Spoiler alert





Example, While working with the Powder Gangers, I do all their quests until they ask to betray the NCR. I then turn on them.



Also, it seems that having a good speech skill allows you to avoid some quests. True or false?

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Also, it seems that having a good speech skill allows you to avoid some quests. True or false?


True. I tend to get my speech skill up early as possible because successful speech checks give XP, but maybe for the most complete experience, that might not have been the best idea because many quests can be bypassed. On the other hand, many of those quests are just fetch this and fetch that, so I'm not sure I missed out on too much.


One thing I wish I'd used more is faction disguises. I didn't realize that they not only keep groups from becoming hostile, but using one can prevent gaining infamy. I got vilified by the Powder Gangers really early on in the Goodsprings quests, so I couldn't do any of their quests. Had I worn a disguise like NCR armor during that quest, I could have prevented the infamy and been able to do the Powder Ganger quests. Same thing with the Legion, I became a "Merciful Thug" too soon and would be attacked by named characters, so I couldn't do any of their quests.

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I didn't actually know you could do that with faction armour.


I enjoy doing the same with I Fought The Law, simply because I enjoy the quest.


Gnat is right on getting speech up, just don't pass check that bypass quests and/or prevent you from getting more XP taking out enemies.

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for more difficult enemies, try project nevada, adjust the npc's endurance to 50, and their endurance multiplier to 50 via the mod menu. they will be more difficult, such as powder gangers having from 900-1200 hit points, or any npc in general. but if your just looking for new quest, try some quest mods. beyond boulder dome is a good one, it has different way you can play, and several side quest.

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