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Ah. One snowfall in '07, I went outside and collected a few fistfuls of snow. I then balled them up so they were shaped like snowballs. Rather than throwing it at the person across the street, however, I decided to store my snowballs in the fridge so I could take it out and throw it at people when the summer arrived. :devil:


However, when I checked again in the fridge that June, I saw to my dismay the snow was all gone and then all I had were a few balls of pure ice. :pinch: Not something I'd recommend throwing at the neighbor. ;D

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Snow? What's that? We haven't had snow in Houston Texas since about 1992, and I was 1 at that time. It melted before it hit the ground, lawl. Last time I saw snow was when I was in the Rockies rock crawling in my Jeep. Snow + boulders bigger than you = heck of a time.
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If it's below freezing you can always do what I loved to do in Amarillo: Get the garden hose and ice down a small patch of the driveway, then nail it on a bike or dirtbike. I liked the dirtbike method more :D
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Snow! <3 I have snow every year(Finland=Winland), altho the date when it falls does vary.(Global warming be cursed...) Winter is actually the only season in the year that I like and summer happens to be the one I hate. :confused:


On a total side note; If anyone has been noticing me not here on the forums for several days in the past month or so, it's due to my ISP having some technical issues they're fixing.

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