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FOV doesn't stay changed


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Hello, sorry in advance, i've seen a lot of posts about it and absolutely no fixes i found worked.


Changed fov settings with fDefaultWorldFOV=90 fDefault1stPersonFOV=90 under [Display] in all applicable ini files, nothing changes.

I used a config tool that is supposed to do the same, nothing changes.

I used an FOV slider mod, nothing changes.

If i go ingame and write fov 90, it changes and the second i close the console it reverts back.


Disabled read only on the files and tried all of these again.


Disabled read only, changed the things, enabled read only and then started the game, nothing changes.


Could i try anything else?

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Ah, and there is the problem. :) MO2 doesn't odd and strange stuff with ini files, and the ones that show up in your 'my games' folder, are NOT the ones MO2 has the game actually use. That said, this *should* work:


set your fov with the console command.




See if you FOV settings held.

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