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Crossdressing In Skyrim


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After much searching around the Nexus and other Skyrim mod sites, I've discovered that there's pretty much no proper crossdressing mod for Skyrim. I even experimented with using the sexchange command, only to find an irreparable neck seam problem...and pulling up showracemenu from there only caused more issues. My poor character was completely destroyed by my excessive use of the console.


Basically, I'm just asking for the ability to use a male character and still wear a dress...or for someone to come up with a way for the male head to fit the female body seamlessly. The reason I posted here and not in Mod Requests is because I'm hoping someone can come up with links to existing content, if any exists in places I wasn't able to discover.


And before anyone flames me, because I know this is a weird idea, I'm just going to say that I have personal reasons for asking this.



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I personally have really wanted something like this for a long time, as well as a mod that let you use female facial features for male character (the male ones are so ugly!) I may actually make a mod like this, if I can figure it out! It will likely require a separate race though...

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There's an addon for Shlongs of Skyrim that works on females on another mod site. You'll probably always have a seam with a male head and female body unless you change the male head meshes.

But then that's just a girl with a shlong, not cross dressing. To very different things. Trust me, I'm an expert on these kinds of things, I'm a crossdresser in real life! :thumbsup: Besides, I can't speak for the OP, but I don't like nudey mods in my skyrim install, I keep stuff like that all in a separate install. Also, if you are talking about the mod I think you are, doesn't that just give shlongs to ALL girls? That's just a little unsettling, how can a nation be founded entirely on shlongs? :ohmy:


Really, to make this work someone would need to edit the meshes it would seem, but the way I see it you could make a custom race the uses a female-ish body with a 'shlong' that is refereed to as male. I know of a transgender version o a body mod that came out a while back that is actually really well done, if I could get permission from them to use it, this actually wouldn't be that challanging of a mod to make.

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And here I thought I was going to catch a bunch of "ewww you're a freak" comments!


I'm so glad I'm not the only one that wants to see this happen. Maybe with enough of us on this, we can convince someone to get started on something! I hope. :P

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It would be nice to see dresses adjusted to fit on a male body. My crossdressing follower wears a thong which is the only clothing I can find that is closest to crossdressing. I don't want a female body with a penis either, that is a transgender. Crossdresser is more analogous to transvestite. A 100% male body that wears female clothes.

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I have to agree about the SoS thing. A schlong on a chick isn't a way of life, it's a kinky fetish. I've already been there via the futanari mod for Skyrim. Didn't satisfy the issue like I thought it would.

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