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Weapon Mods Suddenly Broken


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Now, I've recently experienced this issue wherein some of my weapon mods suddenly became broken and had missing parts in them or were functioning weirdly. I don't know what's specifically causing it to happen since I've reinstalled them a couple of times and checked up on my recently installed mods, but to no avail. So I'm left here just wondering. So far I've only seen this happen to 4 mods, Grease Gun SMG, Hunting Revolver and Ranger Sequoia, and Reaper of Pantheon, I have not seen anything else broken yet so I may update this with more information if I come across some more during my game session. Another weird thing I've noticed is that before this all happened, Diamond City had some missing assets like a table or chair here and there, but all of a sudden things were alright and all the assets were there.


I have two theories as to why this might've happened.
A. A recent mod I've installed has caused some sort of conflict between some of my gun mods.
B. The in game mod loader that Bethesda has made may have messed up the gun mods.

Now, I put a lot of suspicion on the in game mod loader due to the fact that I've downloaded 2 mods there and both required to have my mod list reset, this in turn might've broken some things with the gun mods. Although this was the first thing I checked out and found my mods to be at the bottom of the mod list, so then I bring them to the top and after resetting, nothing.

Well anyways, appreciate the time you took out of your day to read this post and I do hope there may be a solution to this. Any help you can provide will be much appreciated. Thank you and a have a good one.



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Unless you're talking of mods being flagged as ESL, I flagged only plugins that could be marked as light. I have 205 active plugins and 153 as light. Unless the game adds both the active and light plugins into one which obviously is goes about 255, but I'm not sure. And I also I think you mean ESP since ESL is the light version of plugins.




How many mods do you have installed??



Subtract any that are flagged as esl, if that is more than 255, then you just found your problem. 255 is a HARD limit. Go over that, weird and strange things start happening.



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326 mods, 153 flagged as 'light', which is the same as 'esl'. My math says 173 esp/esms then?? Which should be just fine.


I suspect that there IS a limit to the number of esl files you can run though, as they are using 'leftover' form ID's from FO4.esm. At least, that's my understanding..... There is a finite limit of unused ID's though, no clue on just how many, so, the number of esl files you can get away with likely varies greatly, depending on just which mods they are.


Is that your problem though? Don't know..... :) It *may* be load order related...... I am unsure of the impact of changing load order of esl files mid-playthru..... I would think it wouldn't matter, but, I am not an expert. :D


I am curious what would happen if you changed the four problematic mods to esp files....... (note: Might make things worse..... I don't know.)

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326 mods, 153 flagged as 'light', which is the same as 'esl'. My math says 173 esp/esms then?? Which should be just fine.


I suspect that there IS a limit to the number of esl files you can run though, as they are using 'leftover' form ID's from FO4.esm. At least, that's my understanding..... There is a finite limit of unused ID's though, no clue on just how many, so, the number of esl files you can get away with likely varies greatly, depending on just which mods they are.


Is that your problem though? Don't know..... :smile: It *may* be load order related...... I am unsure of the impact of changing load order of esl files mid-playthru..... I would think it wouldn't matter, but, I am not an expert. :D


I am curious what would happen if you changed the four problematic mods to esp files....... (note: Might make things worse..... I don't know.)

Noticed another thing, the Western Revolver is messed up and is missing its cylinder and hammer, while also reloading like a pistol.

Edited by YawnoverPownder
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Checked the Schofield Revolver No.2 (One of the broken guns) on the Creation Kit and found that there was something wrong with the animations, I already reinstalled the mod and to no avail. Although I still find this interesting, this might explain why the gun has its cylinder missing, barrel all the way around, and reloads like pistol. Still, I'm not sure.

Update: Checked it out on F04Edit for Errors, said 0


You have some mod conflicts there.... FO4Edit should help you find them.

Edited by YawnoverPownder
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