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lol- fallout 3 hilarious findings


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I was playing fallout this morning and i was wandering the wasteland and i found an abandonded shack which apparently wasnt abandonded at all because as soon as i opened that door 4 raiders each holding a fat man fired simultaniously and as you can guess everybody in the room died instantly but i just sat there and laughed my ass off but i guess my xbox was getting hot or something it doesnt do poo like that often unless ive been playing it to long
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one time when i just started playing i walked into this house that was partially destroyed and there was no hostile warning nor friendly and i saw this string drop from the ceiling and so i walk over and i see it says ,"grab frag grenades".so i think like 5 seconds and then they blow up and there is a hole in the ceiling and i fly right through.no mods. :yes:
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Not really a find but..


I decided to take Sticky to Big Town...i was bored.


Well...like always his constant talking and BS story telling got on my nerves!!!!


I pull my Pancor Jackhammer auto Shotgun off my shoulder, crouch into a fighters stance, start VATS and place 3 shots right into his chest...

He went down slow motion like after the first shot..but upon entering back into real time, he hit the ground then POOF he was flying straight up...hundreds of feet if not more...i gazed skyward as he flew away then took out my scoped HK G11 to take a looksie...and sure enough there he was just starting to fall back to the wastes his arms and legs flailing around like a rag doll...when he got close to earth i put my G11 away and SMACKOW!! he lands right in front of me...but that wasnt the end of him...he bounced...like a ball...3 or 4 times and on the final one he kinda stood upright on both legs like he was gonna say that hurt...then he fell forward in the best faceplant ive seen ingame yet!


Kinda felt sorry for the overkill..for about a second ^_^

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a room full of plumbers.

Came across that one last sunday, for the first time ever, and 't was pretty hilarious at first yeah :P


Found the entrance, went in with Lucy and after the first or second turn we surprised a feral ghoul roamer. Shot the thing in half without thinking further of it, and sneaked ahead until I suddenly ended up in that room. My first reaction was 'what in the world', my second to do the normal looting routine but then it kinda hit me... the room was obviously a shelter, but someone must have went insane inside to do whatever must have been done there to make the place end up looking like that.

Perhaps it were the survivors from after the bombs fell, that they did the thing with the gnome and the table first, out of boredom, then they must have gradually gotten insaner, doing the more messed up stuff, putting the blood all over the walls, and the placed started to creep me out a bit.

Then went back across the dead feral, and was like wait...







Yeah http://www.the-gladiatorz.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/wilson.gif

Guess here was only one survivor, after all

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My weirdest experience ever was in the Arlington Library. It was really creepy. I was playing an evil character, and had already killed everyone inside the library.

I stopped playing in the room where Raiders fought against BoS, after saving my game. In the next night, i loaded the savegame to play on, and then it started.


All books and other random clutter in the library room where flying everywhere, like it was a bunch of Poltergeists throwing them around.

Omg it first scared the poo outta me, i couldnt believe it. I reloaded the game and it happened again. Reloading any other game before that didnt produce this effect, but this particular savegame was bewitched. But that wasnt all. I heard a weird noise from one corner of the building...


It was a corpse of a BoS soldier, which was stuck in a floor. The upper body was in the first floor, the legs were in the ground floor. It was dancing all around, and made a noise like hell. I tried to stop it by shooting at it, didnt work. I just left the place and never came back....

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yeah that happened to me when i first started. saw a couple slavers carrying a line of 3 or so slaves. one oe them asked me to take the collar off and i accidentally end their life.. then the slavers and the rest of the slaves go hostile on me. i THINK..not sure..but i think... you may need a high explosives or science skill to diffuse the collar correctly


to disarm a slave colar you need a (just an estimate since i already can and have no saves to go back on to find out) lvl. 60 Science skill.

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I was clearing out the Museum of History, followers in tow, and after I cleared the building I went back through and collected all of the loot. Got the Lincoln's repeater and all the other collectables. On my way out I pass a glowing one head. It was on the ground rocking back and forth. It did not stop, just kept moving. I stopped, watched for a bit, and had a good laugh. Then I shot the head and moved on..


I had another head encounter in the Dunwich Building while discarding a book. I passed a table with a head on top. I thought to myself, if I shot it then I can watch it fly across the room. SO I shot the thing and the head jumped all over, but the neck stayed firmly in place. I think I spent a good 120 rounds just playing with the thing.


I am on the lookout for more funny action... while trying not to die.


Now, the funniest thing I have run into occurred in the National Archives. I went into the sub-level where the supermutants are. The first time Syndey died, my followers engaged in a overwhelming battle. Reload. Ok I go in alone, but I ended up killing myself on my own mines, do not ask. Reload. Third try. Ok, I was stealthed the entire time, all three times, but this time I took it A LOT slower. Now the funny part. When the muties were talking I really could not understand them. The MMM spawned so many, it was garble. After thinning the ranks it got absolutely gut busting. "I remember things.. from before.. I think I knew a woman.. Or maybe I Was A WOMAN!" and a lot more. I had to stop and save, then fall out of my chair. I could not stop laughing for about an hour, that includes the succesful mine traps on All of the stairs, and plenty of overlords turned into chunks. Oh and I came upon one mutant minus arms and legs.. I think he found the plasma mine surrounded by frags. "Overkill.. just to be sure"



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Not exactly a 'find' but i always laugh when Sgt. RL-3 Yells "Typical Chickenshit commie manuever!!" while fighting a radroach/mole rat/etc.


On time i was walking towards the Super-Duper mart, and there was a leg just floating in the air.

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