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Looking for a stable modlist


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Hey all. I've been getting hankering for some post-apocalyptic fun and looking to jump into the Fallout world one more. Looking for some advice on mods though before I do. I haven't played in years and even then I always ended up with an unstable game that would give me random crashes or issues and make me stop playing. That's why I'm here asking for some advice on some stable mod lists people have used recently with little issues. I haven't had a look at any of the recent mods or looked to see if any of the old staples are still viable. Out of the old mods, the only one I'm really hoping is still around as it's something I can't play without is Sim Settlements. Anything else I can live without but not that one. I also used to alternate between Horizon and Immersive Gameplay but could never comfortable settle on either one. Also used to use a mod who's name I can't remember that let you change the start so you weren't pre-war Nate/Nora.


Of course, something I've always looked for in the past but could never accomplish was finding a way to turn the game into a zombie apocalypse type of game but more in our world (just slightly more advanced) instead of the atomic era Fallout world.

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