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Help with NifScope and Backface Culling


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In this armor replacer I made, I have a lot of one sided meshes (or NiTriShapes) where the texture only shows up on one side of the face and not at the back of those faces. I need some of them them to show textures at the back.

What I know right now is that I have to edit something in mesh using NifScope. Something about the shader flags. No luck there though.


Anyone know how I can disable backface culling?

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It's not the shader flags, but you're close. For each mesh in the nif, you just need to go into NifSkope and add NiStencilProperty.


Yep. That's what I wanted. Thank you both for your help.

On a side note, I should really research on some of these Nif Properties.

Edited by TehEpicDuck
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The only two I ever personally use is NiStencilProptery to make things double-sided and NiAlphaProperty to make things transparent.


This will be useful. Thanks for the tips.

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