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Can not Shout ! What did I do wrong ?


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So I just started running SkyrimSE. I carried over my Skyrim saves, but cut back on the number of installed mods. I only added in SKSE64, SkyUI, Unofficial SE Patch, Immersive Weapons, Arissa and Amazing Follower Tweaks. Everything was fine until I tried to use a Shout. What I got was the Tweak Options dialog. So I changed what key I was using for Shout, but even the new key starts the Tweak Options dialog. Did I do something wrong or is there a conflict someplace ?



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Porting the SLE save files and changing the mod load out could definitely be a problem. SLE saves from a non-modded game could be ported to SSE. But one that relies on mod added plugins can have problems. There is no guarantee that an SSE version of the same mod will have the same file name or even the same ID numbers for the records within.


That said, make sure that you have a shout actually equipped. It could be possible that you have a spell power from a mod equipped and it is being triggered instead.

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