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Should I optimize my mod textures pre-release?


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I am trying to maximize performance in my house mod.

Personally, I use SMCO to optimize textures for my game and it greatly improves smooth game play.

I was thinking of applying SMCO to the mod I am releasing, but I am not sure if that would cause problems for the user?

Obviously my goal is to improve the user's experience with my mod, not cause crashes...


Thanks for reading this and I would be grateful to hear your opinion!

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Personally I use "Texture Optimizer" mod to ensure that all used textures have been saved in the correct format (and removing unrequired channels if applicable) and I've not come across a texture issue within my game in ages - so I'd say that it's recommended to do this for your mod, otherwise other members may complain if there are unoptimised textures present.

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Well, crap. Thank you both, I appreciate the feedback. If only your answers were not equally reasonable, supported by data and completely opposite... :sad:

Maybe I'll try posting both optimized and not optimized, and see what the users think.

Thanks again, I am very grateful for your help.

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I think it comes down to how much you 'optimize' them. Try optimizing them, and if the visual effect is not to your liking, then you have your answer, if it looks almost exactly the same, then you have your answer too! ^_^

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