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Hello out there,


This my already have been asked and answered, but is it possible to trade small mods between Fallout 4 and Skyrim witouth TOO much trouble? By small mods I mean single items, not whole areas or massive retextures, but let's say a weapon or armour mod, or even just a clothing mod. For instance, there's a really cool dagger in Skyrim I thnk would go well in my FO4 roleplaying. Is it as simple as just transplanting the mesh and texture, or is there more to it than that, like making adjustments via xEdit? (yes I am a noob when it comes to the innards of the game. Forgive me.) Your answers will prevent hours or even days of headscratching wondering 'what do I do now?'


Thank you all in advance.


(where is Wile. E. Coyote, Suuuuuper Genius when you need him?)

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