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The Sims 3


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Looks like Sims 2 with a few minor graphical changes. Not really impressed on that front. Looks to be the same old clothing and building systems too.


So far as I can tell, the only real change is how the AI works, although the value of that is debatable since the only thing we can see from are those usual pre-scripted situations which the player will never be able to get access to (like all the story stuff that happened with the starter families in 2)...


And for all that, we get DRMed to hell again, forced to use EADM, and god knows what else EA has up their sleeve. I learned my lesson from spore, and am not buying another EA product ever, even if it gave me $200 real money on a weekly basis. That's right, I would not buy a EA game even if they payed me.

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I'm not thrilled for it. I love the Sims' gameplay, but the games are just plain crap when it comes to performance and all that. I also hate EA's anti-piracy measures. Screw SecuROM. D:



Oh, right, EA Download Manager. Forget that too. When I build my new computer, I'm not putting any of this EA junk on my computer. Only stuff I'll have on it that's published by EA is the original Crysis and the Orange Box (which gladly was not gunked up by EA).

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  • 2 weeks later...

The only thing I have to say about that is to suggest reading this blog about a so called 'affiliate' site of EA's and how EA has been doing a lot of either fence-sitting or not caring what they've been up to. I'm not a big fan of EA and don't plan to get the Sims 3 (I do have 1 and 2 though).



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well apparently my view point differs from those of my peers, ha.

I grew up playing the sims. Starting on SimCity and progressing from there.

I think the Sims 3 will be fun, but then again I thought that about Sims 2, and it

really didn't offer all that much....

I agree SecureRom sucks, but there's plenty of ways to avoid it :]

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