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Mysterious ENB Sunsprite "Death Ray"


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I just encountered a very strange problem with my ENB's sunsprites. Whenever one of the moons shows up during the day the Sun start's transforming my sunsprites into what looks like a huge beam of flames that looks like a death ray trying to burn up the moons. The Moon that happens to be out during this time even glows like it's casting faint godrays. It doesn't do this when just the sun is out and visible.




Anyone have any clue why the moons would be causing this???


Edit: BTW, i was using this ENB for weeks without issue and suddenly today it started happening for no apparent reason.


Here's another one...



Edited by EvilDeadAsh34
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I figured it out! It has to do with the "bDeferredShadows=1" in the skyrimprefs.ini. I had it set as bDeferredShadows=0 to re-enable exterior space dynamic shadows. Unfortunately this has a horrible effect on sunsprites and Godrays... as you can see. Once i reset it to "bDeferredShadows=1" everything is working again.


Case closed.

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