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Lings coiffure


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So i'm not the most experienced mod:er but this is something that i just think shouldn't even be a problem. I'm going to cut to the chase, i recently installed a few mods and didn't think anything of it but when i went to launch my game it crashed even before the title screen. So i looked around for a while for help on youtube and various other sites and did some things i learned from that but nothing worked, until i found out about load order and that certain mods are needed for others to work and so on (which is probably obvious to most more experienced modders out there).


So great,maybe my problems where solved with this. I looked around for all the mods i needed for my existing ones to work (which took a while) and i found them. until... i needed Lings Coiffure. Now i found a link pretty fast--just googled it--and i downloaded it,but then when i tried to install it with the mod manager it said that it was incomplete and couldn't be added. I took a few tips and advice from some sites. Tried them. Used different programs and different download-links.But it still didn't work. Apparently this is a pretty common problem for people (this illusive Lings Coiffure). So maybe you guys can help.

This is one of the links i tried: http://www.moddb.com/mods/lings-coiffure-nv/downloads/lings-coiffure-nv-v42

And i have these mods : Beauty Pack PLUS -Project Mikoto- Hair - Eyes - Presets

Mikotos Beauty Pack

Mojave Delighted Addon

DK Female Face Texture PLUS Custom Hair

Cazy Hair Resource

Lightning - Caucasian Female

DK Female Face Textures

DK Female Face Texture PLUS Custom Hair


I may have forgotten a mod but not the ones that needed a lot of complementary ones.This problem is extremely annoying and i hope if not that i can get some help then at least maybe i am not alone in experiencing this.PS. i use Windows 7 64bit

Edited by GoofyDr4gon
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you're not the only one...i've chased lings forever. no luck so far. A shame, really. I can't use some mods like shojo races or nerdy veronica. But oh well. guess i'll still looking

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I've just checked the file from moddb and it's complete, it matches what I have installed and working. Have you tried manually installing it? (drop everything into your data folder overwriting when prompted, then enable via your chosen manager).

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