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Sleeping Animation instead of black screen


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This is a request I want, just because it would add a level of realism (for me anyway) in the game.


Whenever I use a bed, I just see a timer countdown over a black screen.


I'd prefer to actually see the Courier lying on the bed with the timer ticking down in the corner.



And yes, I know there is a mod that allows you to do this, but you have to use the portable bed the mod supplies, it doesn't allow you to use any bed in the game.

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Only if I get to wake up while being mugged and cut the guy's hand off!


As a seasoned warrior, the Courier would be one of those people you can't sneak up on.

And if you touch them, out comes the knife and they attack you with it.

I don't believe that someone would sleep while they were being attacked, naturally, you'd wake up and fight back!


And if you happen to have companions with you, in particular, ED-E, who does not sleep, it would be even more implausible.


Even if you had 2 companions who sleep as well, the odds of all 3 of you not waking up when an intruder arrives are incredibly small.



That's another reason I dismissed it as unrealistic.

Edited by XTgrndr
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I don't know how it works, but with people who are used to danger, even when they are asleep, part of them remains alert, scanning for danger.


The slightest sound or the sensation of someone touching them, they wake up in a shot and are instantly aware.


I'm assuming being in a hostile environment, that's how they'd be acting.


Essentially, they're not in deep sleep, they're in a light sleep which can easily be disturbed.



Also, it's common practice to sleep in shifts, for example, say Cass goes to sleep, then you take a nap while she keeps watch and so on.

Edited by XTgrndr
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What you're describing is called "hyper-awareness" or "Hypervigilance" and is common among soldiers. Especially those with PTSD.

I don't know how it works, but with people who are used to danger, even when they are asleep, part of them remains alert, scanning for danger.


The slightest sound or the sensation of someone touching them, they wake up in a shot and are instantly aware.


I'm assuming being in a hostile environment, that's how they'd be acting.


Essentially, they're not in deep sleep, they're in a light sleep which can easily be disturbed.

Edited by dangman4ever
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