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Shutting down the government over Obamacare?


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Even though a number of key Republicans have withdrawn their support to shut down the government over Obamacare, Republican congressman have returned to their districts to face their Tea Party constituencies at town hall meetings only to be flanked by the demands to have the law repealed no matter what. Even demanding to those same republicans who know the Idea is not only a bad idea but a pointless cause...


Tea Party supporters would rather have congress take the government hostage and then shoot it in the head if their demands are not met just to show the country they stand up for "conservative values" even at the expense of destroying the country and the survival of the GOP as a major national political party.


In my opinion The Tea Party will be the true demise of the Republican party if Congress does shutdown the government over healthcare....

Edited by colourwheel
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I certainly agree.

Linking their wagon to the Tea Party has become an embarrassment to a number of Republicans and it seems a few are beginning to realize that now. The question is, can they dissociate themselves from that group of mental midgets soon enough and sufficiently enough to save their party?


From what has been in the media the last little while I am beginning to wonder if the Republicans will continue to actually fight the AHCA or will they just do another half-hearted show of bluster and then on Jan 2, shrug their shoulders, look sheepish and say, "Well, we tried." They know they are in serious trouble on a number of fronts and are realizing they need to "fix" their errors and take a new direction to gain some support. The last thing they need right now is more people upset with them.

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Since Obama took office conservatives still shout and scream "I want my country back!" as if the country belongs to them exclusively. If you ask me "I want my country back too!" as me being an American citizen I have every right just as much as anyone to have a country that can actually function regardless if the political opposition is in power of government. A majority of the nation would talk about how much they hated the political grid lock on capital hill during the 2012 election cycle only to realize a majority of the congressmen who they ended up electing back into office are causing even more.


The GOP is basically controlled by the tea party where as their only one united goal as the Republican party as a whole was to get rid of Obamacare since they can't make it their goal anymore to make Obama a one term president.

The problem now is the republican party stands for nothing but obstruction of government when the federal government is in control by the democratic party and it doesn't seem like this will ever change.

It sometimes makes me wonder if Republicans would actually be happy "if" the modern GOP could ever take back total control of the federal government again as well as total control of all state governments and what kind of wet dream conservative utopia the country would become. My guess would be abortion and homosexuality would 1st become outlawed, immigration would come to a standing halt in the country, as well as mass tax cuts for the rich and all states would be funded by high sales taxes, mass corporate deregulation, multiple wars in all regions of the world, and Santa Claus would become the nations new mascot. /sarcasm...


If you ask me I doubt there would be any complaints from the tea party constituency if the "Affordable care act" was named after a Republican president. Maybe It would have been a good political move for Obama to have just named the affordable care act after the Koch brothers instead of himself... /sarcasm...

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At this point, I don't think it really matters over-much which party is in control in washington. Neither one of them have any clue how to get america back on track, and heading in the right direction. Currently, we ARE a Utopia. If you are rich, or a corporate executive.... the rest of us apparently don't matter.


What I wouldn't give for just ONE voice of reason in DC. Someone that would tell it exactly like it is, without putting some spin on it, to make themselves look good, or the 'other guys' look bad. But, expecting truth from a politician has been a lost cause for quite some time.


Quite frankly, I don't want EITHER party to have complete control. We need some flavor of balance in DC. If the dems took over, we could wave goodbye to the second amendment.... and we would become the 'ultra-welfare' state that Greece was, and then we would suffer the same fate. Economic collapse. Of course, I expect the economic collapse anyway......

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Neither party is for the average middle class working American. Both cater to big business and special interest groups. As for Obamacare, a few good things wrapped up in one huge, poorly written bill that should have been burned. It will be the democrats biggest albatross. Seems like the more government gets involved, the worse things get.

To borrow a phrase, Obamacare could be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Ironically is was this bill which made me lose faith in both liberals and the democratic party. Its a bad bill that doesn't fix the problem. In fact, just this month I was informed by my doctor (who I have had for ten years) is retiring so he doesn't have to deal with this mess anymore.

Go ahead, blame the GOP and the TEA party, but the simple fact is, democrats wrote it, passed it, signed it into law, and it's not a great bill. They could have achieved something great, and instead gave us this pile of ****.

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As for Obamacare, a few good things wrapped up in one huge, poorly written bill that should have been burned. It will be the democrats biggest albatross.


This is just an opinion. There is no evidence even suggesting that the healthcare law will be a failure.



Go ahead, blame the GOP and the TEA party, but the simple fact is, democrats wrote it, passed it, signed it into law, and it's not a great bill. They could have achieved something great, and instead gave us this pile of ****.


It's a simple fact the GOP and the TEA party have given us nothing... not to mention no plan to even replace, repair, or improve Obamacare. If you really think they could have achieved something great, makes me wonder what possibly could have been done different in your mind that would have gotten even the slightest Republican support the last 4 years...

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"Even though we’re one-half of the legislating body from which no spending occurs unless we agree, that is a position that allows us to force others to adhere to the Constitution,”

“We don’t have to wait for the Supreme Court. We can force that. And we can say, ‘You’re going to abide by the Constitution whether the Supreme Court gets it wrong or right.’ We have the ability to force respect for the law. And some of us think that we ought to force them to do that.”


So there you have it.

Some Republicans feel that regardless of what the Supreme Court says or anyone else's interpretation of the Constitution, they are the only ones who know who is right and who is wrong and they are going to "force" their view of the law and Constitution upon the American people.


This was said by Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert this morning on a TV. Scary part of all this, Gohmert was not only a Chief Justice of the Courts in Texas, he is an elected representative of government and is obliged to know, follow and respect the law and; if this is what is being said out in the open, what are the Republicans saying behind closed doors?


Considering the AHCA is very close to the Massachusetts act requiring health insurance, comparisons can be made to see what the potential trend may be. Massachusetts seems to have benefited from their act and from having health care. While no one is suggesting the program is perfect, I am amazed at the minority who knash their teeth and pull their hair and insist that doing nothing is better than doing something.

Yes, lets continue to allow 50,000 people to die each year because they can't afford health care and lets allow another million to go bankrupt because they can't pay medical bills. Considering 3/4 of those who had to file for bankruptcy had medical insurance, obviously there is absolutely nothing wrong with the health care system in the US because obviously they were all choosing elective surgery and deserved to go bankrupt.

Besides, its way easier just to say "screw em" and do nothing isn't it? Well, at least until one of your family gets sick and loses everything, then its "OMG why won't somebody do something?".

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Its way easier just to say "screw em" and do nothing isn't it? Well, at least until one of your family gets sick and loses everything, then its "OMG why won't somebody do something?".


It's surprising how hypocritical Republicans can be sometimes even when they are elected officials even when it comes to social issues. One example is Congressman Scott DesJarlais who campaigned as an anti-abortion, pro-family candidate. When he was a practicing doctor he had multiple affairs with co-workers and patients and pushed his patients and mistress to get abortions and agreed that his wife should have two when he was still married. It would seem to me social conservatives live up to their own ideology only until it effects them personally.

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Handing me something, and calling it a rose, does NOT make it a rose. If it stinks... it stinks. FORCING me to purchase a product from a private company is NOT something I want the government to have the ability to do. Given the reasoning they used for that little bit of a huge bill, they could easily extend that to "forcing" folks to buy a car, or a house, or oranges.... all in the name of "helping the economy"..... Maybe its a stretch, but, the precedent has been set.


I would have MUCH preferred that the government address the REAL problem, instead of merely treating a symptom of a larger ill. But then, government isn't in the business of actually solving problems. They get more mileage out of poking at the edges. Can milk more air time out of it that way.


I have said it frequently, but, I will say it again. Most of the current issues this country faces relate DIRECTLY to JOBS. Get our good manufacturing jobs back. Put america back to work. Rebuild the middle class. All the rest will fall into line.

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Handing me something, and calling it a rose, does NOT make it a rose. If it stinks... it stinks.


No one is claiming Obamacare is "perfect" Yet the republicans have no intention to even try to make Obamacare a better program. All they want to do is get rid of it with nothing to replace it.



I have said it frequently, but, I will say it again. Most of the current issues this country faces relate DIRECTLY to JOBS. Get our good manufacturing jobs back. Put america back to work. Rebuild the middle class. All the rest will fall into line.


No one is disagreeing with you on the jobs thing either. Just the Republicans control the house and they have basically done nothing but waste time trying to repealing Obamacare, defund popular government programs, and force cut the deficit when the deficit isn't even a real problem.


I have said it frequently, if jobs is the "real" issue you only need to point at congress for not getting anything accomplished.

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