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Get Npc's skills and dmg spell?


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Hello im looking for a mod that allows you to get info on npcs, on their skills lvl, hp stamina, etc (something like followers info from UFO, but for normal npcs, summons , monsters) is it there any mod like this? is it possible for somone to make such?

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the apocalypse spell mod has a few spells like Sense Resistances and such which do some of what your asking.

Essentially, if you did it on your own, you'd have to make a new script command that would extend the magic effect and have a series of Get commands be saved as a floated variable. then a debug notification to display your variables from the get commands.


then if you wanted to get fancy new spell animation, projectile and sounds, otherwise you could just use from the resources available.

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I was about to post the same thing!


A really useful mod is Ask Follower Skills by melbourne47 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10675/


But it appears to have been abandoned since April, 2012, and there have been several patches and updates to the game and the CK since then. There also seems to be a difference in the data which is displayed between version 1.3a and 1.4 as well, judging by the images posted.


I PM'd the author a while ago, but he seems to have no activity on The Nexus since August, 2012.

Would anyone be able to take it over (with his OK if you can get a response) and update it for patch and all the DLC (separate esps, perhaps?)

Or create a new one from scratch?



What I'd like to see displayed for each follower when you talk to them and ask "What can you do?" is something like:




Follower Name Race Level



Magicka 100 Health 100 Stamina 100



Alteration 15 Archery 25 Sneak 20


Conjuration 15 One-Handed 20 Lock Picking 15


Destruction 20 Two-Handed 15 Pick Pockets 20


Illusion 15 Block 15 Speech 15


Restoration 15 Heavy Armour 15 Light Armour 20


Enchanting 15 Smithing 20 Alchemy 15



Armour Rating 105 Resist Magick 50% Resist Poison 0%


Resist Fire 0% Resist Frost 0% Resist Shock 0%






Many Thanks





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