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Trying to upload my mod to PS4


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I've managed to get my mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25583) uploaded to Bethesda.net for Xbox 1 no problem but for PS4 is a different beast, tried looking in YouTube videos for tutorials and majority are for Xbox and how to mod on consoles. Anybody know where I could get the information I need to be able to do what I need to do for PS4 or a link I can follow. Thanks in advance.

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I tried the same method as XBox and I got an error about removing external assets and needing to create an archive, the thing is my mod only uses vanilla assets and no third party assets...tried to create an archive but had no idea as to what directory path to use for file, I hope this can relate to other modders who may have experienced this in the past or how I can go about it differently. I'll keep plugging away at it also I've yet to find a video about how to do this on YouTube or even where to begin, again thanks for the response.

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