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Is it safe to launch SKSE from Vortex, with out triggering the update?


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I want to wait an observe peoples experiences, before launching Skyrim SE today. I normally launch it from the SKSE button on Vortex. I just want to make sure if it's safe to keep doing that. I want to wait and see which mod others update their mods. I'm also just not looking forward to the headache of updating SKSE. I wish it was something separate like a mod. They should have made it easier to opt out of it.



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Go into steam folder and delete the steam manifest for the game and steam will no longer see it as installed and just launch from SKSE. This will keep it from ever updating if that is what your asking.

Mine looked like this: appmanifest_489830.acf

I just cut and pasted it to different location outside of steam folder was all.

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Where would I find this manifest? Mine already updated but I have a backup... just don't want to have to keep worrying about it updating again.


edit: I backed up my Skyrim folder and changed my Skyrim settings in Steam to 'only update when I launch game'. Even though I launched it from my backup (I changed the file path in Vortex), Vortex is still telling me I have a 'misconfigured Script Extender Tool'... is this fixable?


re-edit: despite saving a backup and attempting to load from there, I still have the new AE version. But... having copied all of the files (everything from the backup file) back to the original location, everything seems to be working and I now have survival mode if I want it. So... if anyone else had a similar problem, you may be in luck! Fingers crossed.

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