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Star Wars Trilogy....


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So, who has it? Who's going to get it? What version [wide- or full-screen]?


I think that Lucasfilm finally got smart. This should've been done years ago, but, I'm just glad to finally get it. Widescreen, even though I have a 4:3 tv.


What do you think?

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Getting it of course (what star wars fan won't?), but once the initial rush/price is over. I've already got the whole trillogy memorized anyway, so I can wait a bit.

Probably what I'm going to do.


Of course I'm going to get it- but I've read that they've chabged a few details. CNN just posted an article about them. They're certainly not enough to stop me from buying it, but they might be enough to off-set the extremists.

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I got it myself, the widescreen version. However, as I have seen all three films approximately 876,403,211 times, I've only actually had a quick blast of the Star Wars Battlefront Xbox demo. Seems OK, so I may actually end up getting the full game at some point (but on the PC, of course).
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I'm a little angry that we can't have our original SW movies anymore and that Lucas decided to add stuff (see the 'ghost scene' in Return of the Jedi for a major WTF moment).


I'll still end up buying it, especially since its been years since I've watched them.


Hopefully, my library will get in a few copies of the DVDs... cheap there ^_^



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